Happy Birthday

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Damon's Pov

Today is Clary's birthday and I finally get to come back from Mumbai to see her and mum. I've missed being home getting to talk to Clary about all her problems and teasing her when ever she gets a crush on a boy. I at least wasn't alone whilst I was in Mumbai I always had a good laugh and chat with Max. I am waiting for my warlock Mike to open a portal for me to get to the New York institute. I haven't been to the New York institute in years I cant wait to see everyone again. I just hope not everything gets ruined when Clary finds out what she is.

Third Person Pov

Whilst Damon was sitting on his bed in his room thinking about going home, Mike the warlock had walked in waiting for Damon to snap back to reality but when he didn't. Mike decided he had waited enough so push him of the bed which seemed to do the trick due to Damon finally noticing that Mike had shown up. When Damon stood back on his feet Mike and him shared a hug and Mike opened up the portal Damon slowly entered the portal closing his eyes and thinking of the institute back home. When he opened his eyes again he was outside the institute he debated if he should go in or go straight home but he decided just go home because he knows sooner or later he will see everyone again. He walked to the loft and opened the door to Dot's shop and as soon as she heard the door open and saw who it was she happily pulled him into a tight hug which he did not hesitate to hug back.

Damon's Pov

" I thought you weren't going to make it." Dot said whilst pulling away slowly.

" Well I promised mum that I would be here for when she had the talk with Clary and plus I missed you guys so much in Mumbai." I said while remembering the real reason I was here was because mum had to do the whole shadowhunter talk with Clary tonight because the protections are going to stop working from today till she dies.

" I missed you too. You should probably go up to see your mum before Clary gets here, I'm happy your back Damon."

" Thanks Dot, I'm happy to be back." I said whilst walking up to see my mum.

When I got to the top of the stairs I saw the back of my mum with a laundry basket in her hand, so I crept behind her and gave her a hug which made her jump, drop the laundry basket and turn around after she saw who it was she gave me a bone crushing hug. I could feel something dropping onto my top and saw that her shoulders were moving up and down, I immediately knew she was crying and I started to rub her back in circles to calm her down in which it did.

" I can't believe you are actually home, I've missed you so much, I'm so happy that you're home!" mum said pulling away whilst wiping her tears away.

" I've missed you so much too, I'm glad to be back home with my family, even when Clary finds out we will figure out how to become the family we once were." I said wondering how Clary will react when she finds out the truth.

" Thank you for coming back to help me tell her."

" Hey, I will always be here if you or Clary need help, okay mum?"

Mum just nodded her head in response whilst picking up the clothes that fell out the basket and putting them in then picking the basket up to finish the laundry, until we could hear Dot talking to someone who I guessed was Clary so I went to the wall so she wouldn't see me when she first walked in.

" Mum!" Clary said whilst walking straight passed me and me putting my finger up to my lips telling mum not to say anything

" You did it! YAY!"

" You also follow Simon?"

" He only has 92 followers." Mum said whilst pulling Clary into a hug after putting the basket down " He needs the retweets. Congratulations."

Clary just chuckles at what mum just said whilst pulling away from the hug mum gave her.

" Thank you. Hashtag stalker mum."

" Doesn't your big brother get a hug from the birthday girl?" I said whilst stepping out of the shadows of the wall.

" OH MY GOD DAMON YOUR HERE I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Clary said whilst running to me and pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

" Well I couldn't miss my baby sister's 18th birthday now could I?" I said wrapping my arms around her hugging her back.

" Thank you for coming home Damon this is the best birthday present ever!"

" Congrats on getting into art college Clare Bear." I said pulling away from the hug after a minute.

" Thanks."

" Happy Birthday Clary." Mum said pulling out a box from behind her back and I instantly knew it was a stele because she gave me mine in the same box.

Clary and I walk over to our mum and I give a quick nod to her showing her that I was there to help her out with Clary if she wanted it. We all sat down mum and Clary on the couch and I'm sitting on the little coffee table in the middle. Clary slowly and carefully opens the box seeing the stele and picks it up.

" It's called a stele." I said taking mine out my back pocket showing her I have one moving it in between my fingers.

" What is it, like. a paperweight?" Clary asked confused as to why she got it.

" No, its much more than that." Mum said " It's very ancient. I want you to have this one. It's a family heirloom."

" The Frays have heirlooms?" Clary not believing a word mum was saying to her.

" Yeah, we have a few."  I said hoping she would get that this is serious.

" You know, it's weird I doodled something that looked like this this morning." Clary looked down at one of the runes on the stele. " I must have seen this around the house somewhere."

" Clary we need to talk ---" I started to say but was interrupted by her phone ringing.

" It's Simon. He's on his way over." she said whilst getting up to leave until mum tried to get her to sit down again.

" But we need to talk." Mum frantically said trying not to panic thinking what would happen if she didn't tell the truth today.

" I can't right now. I gotta change. I'm going to see Champagne Enema tonight."

" What?" I said confused, raising my eyebrow in curiosity in what it was.

" Yeah, I know. it's Simon's new band name. But Simon and Maureen are taking me out after."

" But it's ..... it's your 18th birthday and uh ...." Mum said taking a breath in, trying to calm her nerves down " everything's going to change for you now."

" Mum, we've had the talk. I'm good." Clary said thinking the talk was the sex talk.

" Clary this is a very different and more important talk then that one." I said trying to help mum out with the talk.

" And we will. But can we have the talk over breakfast instead?" Clary said whilst pulling us into a hug " I love you." And Clary walked away whilst saying " Thank you for the heirloom. I love you."

Mum stood there watching Clary walk away and I stood there looking at my own stele wondering what was going to happen next. I put it into my back pocket walking to Clary's room I knock on her door whilst she was looking at her in the mirror.

" Hey, don't let mum see you in that, put your green hoodie on and zip it up. Keep safe tonight please."

" Hey, thanks for the advice and what's with you why are you being so weird today."

" Nothing, I just want you to be safe you're my baby sister."

And with that I left. I already told mum that I was going to the club Pandemonium to see Magnus we haven't seen each other in years.

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