Chapter 1

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          ANNA BRIGGS looked around to see the beautiful blue sky stretching beyond her view. Some white clouds that looked like fluffy spud candy hung lightly on the sky. On the side of the clouds there stood a large white sphere, shining the whole city with such brilliance. Anna's sidewalk filled with the sound of footsteps, packed with people. A man wearing a nice business suit walked quickly passed her, while a woman with her little child came from behind, holding a large paper bag filled with different kinds of vegetables. The honking sound of the dark and silver vehicles on her left zoomed by, leaving a flash of bright sunlight as they passed.
          As Anna turned a corner of the crowded street, she encountered an ordinary but decent resident, with small stairs which led to the front door. At the side of a brown wooden door was a small sign that read, Briggs. She stopped as she heard the loud banging sound coming from her house. She went up the stairs and opened the door.
          While she went in, her blue eyes instantly filled with an accustomed view of her kitchen; a cooking stove in just the right place with various silver cooking utensils, with a shining desk ready and clean to be used again.

          "Damn it, where did that bolt go?"

          She turned round to see where her familiar cohabitant spoke. Another round of banging sound of wood came through the corridor.

          "In the dining room," the voice called in the distance.

          "What are you doing in there?" Anna asked, smiling.

          She went through the small corridor beside her kitchen and went through the large room where there was a big red velvety cotton sofa with small cushions and a shining silver television inside. Her attention went into the small dining room while another sound of knocking wood came. A wooden table, only with two legs, was standing on the red silk carpet. And there showed the back of Robert, wearing a green shirt with jeans, hammering the spikes.

          "Oh my god, he's building the table," she said to herself, laughing with amazement. She entered the doorway of the dining room.

          "You're actually building the table. How long has that been in the box?" She said, teasing him.

          Robert turned around to see the sight of Anna giggling. He rolled his eyes.

          "Yup, yup," Robert said, looking back at his unfinished item, "I'm building the table. Very funny."

          "We could finally stop eating in the living room. No more carpet stains!" Anna said, excitedly, stretching out her arms to the air. Her blue eyes sparkled more than ever.

          "Well, we'd better drink to that," he said, chuckling.

          Anna replied with a mild laugh.
          Robert held out his small black hammer and started to nail the wooden leg of the table, attaching it to the upper layer. Some sawdust flew through the room, but Robert quietly continued on his work. In the meantime, Anna went to her small comfortable kitchen. Right next to the cooking stove was a white refrigerator, solemnly humming in the background. She opened the refrigerator door, realizing different kinds of foods inside. Her eyes recognized salad, sausages and few bottles of soda set up in each space. She picked up a bottle of milk between the soft drinks and carried it onto a small desk nearby. As she poured the milk into an empty white cup nearby, another white sheet of paper blurrily showed in her view. Anna turned her eyes. There was a newspaper beside her, displaying the very front page. The letters on the very top of the paper showed that it was published from The Daily Creep. Straight below, the big black vintage type of letters was written:

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