Point of no return

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I recently thought about when you reach the point in a relationship where there's no turning back. Where you either stick with it or get crushed ending it. Here's my conclusion:

The point of no return is when you start loving someone more than you like them. It's when you don't meet up with them to have a good time, instead you need to see them because it hurts to not know what they're up to. That point can come at different times and it may never occur in a relationship. Some people may hate each other after some time but still love each other. Some will like each other more than anything in the world, but love each other even more. Sometimes one person will reach the point while the other one is still far away from it. And that's the case when a breakup crushes one half as the other one goes on with their life. Because you can always have a good time with someone else if that was what you were looking for in the relationship, but you won't be able to still be the person they wanna talk to when they're sad or the person they wake up at night when they can't fall asleep. That's gone for whatever reason it didn't work out. So people get scared to love. Because isn't it just so much easier to just like someone to the extent that you wanna spend all your time with them without that whole love and heart break thing? Well yeah, we call that commitment issues!

By the way I wasn't just talking about romantic relationships. Friendships can hurt just as much. And when you read back you won't find a word that didn't describe a friendship you had at some point in your life. Just think about the jealousy you felt when your best friend starts to hang out more and more with that other person who is really cool but you still dislike. And now tell me that friendship isn't the exact same thing as romantical love. Without the sex of course. Unless you wanna go there. But you really shouldn't!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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