Change of plans, well, not really, but kind of xD

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I have been persuaded a bit (I want to do it anyways, but the persuasion of positive comments have got me to actually go with it lol).

OMG HOMEWORLD IS GOING TO EXIST IDK HOW ITS GOING TO WORK BUT IT WILL HOPEFULLY HAPPEN, non Steven Universe fans will not know what's happening lol and why I'm so happy.

My gem is going to be Moonstone (my favorite gem, and I also have a moonstone ring which is cool). My gem is going to be on my upper back (where lapis Lazuli's is, wings are also going to come out of them. My abilities are going to be animal shapeshifting, but I'm still going to definitely be a barn owl shifter AND IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT IDK WHY I'M YELLING AT YOU GUYS.

I'm hoping I can be a half gem with this one, but even if I'm not I want my skin to just become paler, not like completely change to a different color like blue or something. But I will NOT do this one if it has immortality involved. I would prefer if my life just increased, or aged slowly, or just looked young for awhile, but I'm not sure how that is going to play out. I've already commented on the video asking my questions.

I'm still going to do the dragon one, idk which order I will complete them in. Probably, gem, dragon (maybe at the same time as gem), and then barn owl. I have to do gem first because if I get shapeshifting from that I won't need to do an extra barn owl sub.

Btw I'm still thinking of doing this one, so nothing is completely 100% set yet. Buuut I think this one would be really cool so just hear me out on it.

And I have to mention that wow, the subliminals I've listened to since I've started this journal have changed a lot over time.

But I'm going to experience shifting into a barn owl at some point in my life, no matter the obstacles, and no matter what subliminals I'm listening too.

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