The Prophecy (Prologue)

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"The oracle has spoken."

The room fell silent. For a minute, the only sound that can be heard through the whole house is the croaking of the frogs and the buzz of the crickets outside. The elders from different races  gathered together for the sole purpose of hearing what the oracle has to say.

"A prophecy has been made."

The elder from the tribe of the werewolves is the only one allowed to personally hear the oracle because the oracle herself choose him. Base from the grim expression on his face looks like the prophecy is not a good one.

"What does the prophecy say?" One of the elder nymphs said impatiently

Rosso, the elder werewolf took a deep breath, closed his eyes as if remembering each word from the prophecy. He opened his eyes and gazed outside the window. His face wore a blank expression. Everyone fell silent, waiting for him to speak up.

"Beginning, Oblivion

Peace, Chaos

A child is to be born.

The one marked in red,

Shall bring an end to it all

The Alpha and the Omega

The Beginning and End."

More silence filled the room. Everyone just stared at him as if expecting to hear some more. No one had the courage to break the silence. Everyone is in their private thoughts, trying to decipher what the prophecy is trying to tell them. Desperately trying to find meaning in those few words.

"That's it?" One elder said

"Didn't the oracle say from which tribe the child will be born?"

"When will the child be born?"

"Is it a girl or a boy?"

Everyone started firing questions at Rosso. Each one trying to seek answers to clarify what exactly the prophecy meant. Only the elders from the tribe of witches appear to be calm. They just stare at Rosso. They also have questions but prefer to keep it to themselves for the moment. 

When news broke out that the oracle called for the elders, everyone became scared and anxious. The oracle only speaks to anyone when she have to declare a prophecy. Rarely does this happen, the elders  are not sure what to do.


 At the sound of Rosso's booming voice, everyone fell silent. Some elders glared at him, others preferred to stare at the floor or outside the window.

"That is all that I know. That is everything that oracle said, I know nothing more besides that."

The room fell so silent, the only sound that can be heard is the crackling of wood from the hearth as fire consumes it.

"The one marked in red..." Esme said.

Every eye flew to her direction. She was sitting near the hearth together with two elders from the other tribes. Esme is one of the elders from the tribe of the witch. She raised her eyes to meet the questioning stare of Rosso and the other elders.

"I think the oracle actually gave us a clue on how to find out if the child is the one that the prophecy tells us."

"What do you mean?" One centaur asked.

"The one marked in red..I think the child will most likely have a red mark."

Everyone looked at her, contemplating whether to take seriously or not. Others heaved a sigh, while others shook their heads at her but still Esme stood her ground.

"I think she's right." Everyone's eyes flew to Rosso's direction.

"Are you mad?"

"Don't you think it's too good to be true? Maybe we're taking the prophecy literally."

"Well do you have any explanations then?"  Rosso challenged everyone inside the room


"I think it's better than nothing."

"What should we do then?"

"Wait for the child to be born." Esme said. Everyone looked at her before nodding.

"We don't know when the child of the prophecy will be born. The best we can do right now is wait for it. Everyone should check every new born child, look for a red mark. If you see anything, kill the child at once."

No one spoke but they all that a silent agreement has been between all races gathered on the same roof that night. One by one, the elders started leaving the house. Each of them replaying the prophecy in their minds.

Author's note:

Hey there guys! So I've started a new story, that's completely different from my first one. The story plot just won't leave me alone so I thought I might as well write it and get it over with. Anyway, I hope you give this one a shot. Comments, whether good or bad are highly accepted. Tell me what you think!

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