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You were making tea when it happened. You felt a pop and a gush of warm liquid. You grabbed the granite countertop to steady yourself Oh man, here we go. It's time. You step over the little puddle on the marble kitchen floor and cross the apartment to your bedroom. Don't panic. This is your first baby, there's plenty of time. Hours. You're not even contracting yet. You slip your silk nightgown off and slip on a cotton maternity dress. *BOOM, first contraction* Whoooooaaah mamma! "Shit, shit, shit." You chant, slipping on canvas flats. You waddle to the door, grabbing your purse, and ready packed hospital bag. Not bad for a single-pregnant-with-her-first-child-oceans-away-from-home-girl. You close the door, lock it, and waddle down the hall to the elevator and push the down button. You were watching the numbers light up slowly from lobby to 3, when another contraction hit. "Chrrrrisst almighty, elevator, hurry up!!!" Slowly, the number 12 lit up, followed by a 'ding', and the doors opened. Elizabeth, your elderly neighbor smiled tea stained teeth upon seeing you, and you do your best to look calm and step in front of your bag. Lord, if she finds out I'm in labor, she'll freak, then I'll freak. "Abigail!" She exclaimed "What are you doing leaving at this hour in your condition? You should be resting!" "Hello Elizabeth, just... craving a kabob!" She smiled and patted your arm, shuffling out of the doorway. You quickly move in, pressing lobby and the door close button. Please don't stop, please don't stop. 12..11..10..9.. yes! Keep going! 7..6.. 'DING' UGHHHH SHIT AND ASS! The elevator doors slowly opened, "... It was a wonderful party, Peter, thank you for having me!" The man on the other side cheerfully called to his friend. He turned, smiling, and you pressed yourself up against the elevator wall, clutching your bag in front of you trying to smile politely through the contraction hitting your womb. "Good evening." The man said with a smile, stepping in and checking that the lobby button had been pushed, satisfied that it had, he moved to stand next to you and you supressed with difficulty, the urge to press the close door button again. Please, no more stops, no more... 5...4..WHOAH NOW!!! The elevator came to a jolting hault. You instinctively grabbed the arm of the stranger to steady yourself as he seemingly instinctively grabbed your arm to steady you. You were stunned for words. This cannot be happening! Not now! The man stepped away from you and pressed some buttons. Nothing. "Hmm." He said to himself "Interesting." He pressed the call button. A fuzzy sounding voice in the other end answered "Security." The man cleared his voice "Yes, hullo, we seem to be stuck in the lift. I've pressed all the buttons, but she seems stuck." He said with a chuckle. "Yes sir, please stay calm, we'll send help right away." The security answered "Yes, thank you." The man replied. You were shaken from your shock with another contraction. "Oh god, nooo!" You exclaimed, startling the stranger "No, we cannot be stuck, not now!" The man's features turned from alarm, to concern, "Oh, darling, are you claustrophobic? It's going to be ok, these London lifts are just ancient, they get stuck all the time, they'll have us out in a shake of a stick!" You shook your head, starting to panic, "No, no, you don't understand!" You dropped your bag, displaying your swollen abdomen "I'm in labor!" The man's eyes grew as big as saucers "Oh dear! Goodness gracious me!" He began pressing the security button vigorously. "Sir, we still haven't located the prob.." Security was cut short by the frantic stranger, "Yes! Hullo?! Yes, I'm afraid we can't wait long, the young lady here says she's in labor!" There was a moment of silence and the man kept glancing at you with a mix of helplessness and panic "Hullo?!!" "Yes, sir, we heard you, we've called emergency services, but I'm afraid there's not much we can do until we can get the lift going... please stay calm." Another contraction hit, you, no longer seeing any reason to pretend, let out an agonizing yell "OOOOOHHHH MY GOOOOOD!!" The stranger rushed over to you and grabbed your arms as you slid to the floor. "Oh goodness, oh my, oh you poor, poor thing, I dont.. I've never, this is not.. TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!" You bit down on your bottom lip until the contraction subsided, when it finally did, you tasted blood. "I don't KNOW" you panted "This is my first time." The stranger brushed a lock of your auburn hair from your face, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." You suddenly felt so helpless. Your in a different country, in labor with a child who's father wanted nothing to do with either of you, stuck in an elevator while you were in labor, and you were having to go through it alone. Your eyes brimmed with tears. "Oh, no, darling, no" the man wiped your tears away with his thumbs "Your sweet baby can feel you upset love, don't do that, you must be strong." He tilted your face up and you, for the first time, got a good look at him. Behind his worried face, was kindness, absolute kindness, sharp cheekbones, and pointed features. He looked familiar. But he was also handsome. You felt a stab of guilt for noticing at such a time. "Stay calm." He said, smiling "my name is Tom, what's yours?"

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