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You woke to the sound of squeaky footsteps, cracking open one tired eye, you see your sweet, plump nurse smiling at you from the sink. "You've a visitor love, is it ok to send them in?" You sit up, wondering who on earth would be visiting you, with no family in England and no close friends, there really wasn't anyone coming to mind.
"Um... sure.." You said, smoothing your auburn hair down. Your nurse smiled again, picking up a comb from the sink. "May I?" She asked kindly. You smiled back with gratitude "Oh please, would you? I must look a wreck!" You chuckled. The nurse gently combed through your long wavy locks "Not at all love, but the bloke is quite a looker if I may say so myself." She finished and set down the comb, I'll just tell him to come on back. She left you in the room confused. Bloke? Your baby's father had deserted you, then left for Morocco, there was no way it could be him... it would have taken your family longer than 24 hours to get there from Tennessee, and you hadn't even told them you'd given birth yet. You heard soft footsteps before seeing a very tall man stop in the doorway. It was Tom! Upon seeing your face light up in surprise, a look of relief adorned his handsome face. "Hullo, Abigail, is it ok if I come in?" You smiled shyly, "Of course!" He stepped into the room and for the first time, saw he was carrying a pink, fluffy stuffed kitten, and a bouquet of pink roses. He held up the kitten "For the princess" he held the roses out to you "for the queen." You blushed and took them, "Thank you so much Tom, they're beautiful!" He paused at the armchair at your bedside "May I?" He asked, gesturing. "Please do!" You said, sitting up straighter. He eased himself into the chair. "I hope you don't mind me coming, I just had to make sure you and the baby were ok." His eyes were so blue. And they freakin sparkled! You smiled again, blushing, "We're great, they said you did a wonderful job on the delivery!" He closed his eyes and laughed "Eheheheh! What a crazy night!" You laughed too "Yes, it was!" You suddenly felt embarrassed, "I..uh.. I'm sorry, I didn't realize who you were right away... I mean.. I was just so.." His face went from confused, to understanding, and cut you off, leaning foward and placing a hand on yours "No, darling, no, that doesn't matter, all that matters is you and the baby are well." You felt yourself blushing again, but before you could answer, a nurse knocked on the door frame "Hullo mummy, look who's had a bath!" She stepped into the room, wheeling a tiny bassinet. She lifted out a small, pink bundle and walked over to you. Tom took the roses and placed them in a vase on the nightstand as the nurse gently placed the baby in your arms. The nurse left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her. Tom seemed frozen to the spot in wonder. "Would you like to hold her?" You asked. Tom grinned "Very much so, may I?" You happily nodded and gently handed your baby to Tom, who carefully sit back down in the armchair and gazed lovingly at her. "She's even more beautiful than I remember." He said quietly, "Hullo there... oh.. what is her name?" You looked down, suddenly flustered "Well, actually... I uh, had picked a first name out when first found out I was pregnant, but never could decide on a middle name... until yesterday that is.." Tom smiled, but looked puzzled. "Her first name is Sonnet." You began, being a literature professor and lover, you wanted something related to it. Tom grinned "Oh, darling, that's beautiful, it's perfect!" You bit your lip nervously "Her middle name actually came to me in the ambulance ride here." Tom nodded for you to go on. "Thomasine." You finished. Tom looked taken aback, "Thoma... because I.. me?" You smiled and nodded. Tom dropped his head, looking down at Sonnet. Worry gripped your heart. Had you done the wrong thing? "It really is fitting don't you think?.. I mean.. you saved us both and..." Tom shook his head as you trailed off, when he looked back up, he had tears running down this cheeks. "I'm honored." He choked out, holding the baby closer, "I've never felt so honored." You smiled and sighed in relief. Sonnet began rooting and whimpering, Tom stood up, "Eheheh, I think my namesake is hungry." He said, gently handing her back, you took her and shushing her quietly, began untying your gown front. "Oh, I'll just be going then.." Tom said awkwardly. You let out a chuckle "Tom, you've seen me in the worst way imaginable already." Then winking at him teasingly, "But I understand if you need to go." He seemed to mull it over, deciding instead to ease back down into the armchair. "If it's all the same to you, think I will stay a bit longer." As you nursed, the two of you talked, you were still in deep conversation when sonnet' s head fell back in a full bellied slumber, it wasn't until the sun began to set and the nurse walked in announcing "tea time" that the two of you broke conversation and Tom rose reluctantly from the chair. "I'll be going then" he said, as the nurse scooped up Sonnet, placing her back in the bassinet. "Thank you so much for coming Tom..and for... everything." You said. Tom took your hand and brought it to his lips, softly kissing the space between your middle and ring fingers. "Think nothing of it love." He said, he cupped your chin and smiled down at you. He stepped away as the nurse brought your dinner tray in, crossing the room but pausing by the bassinet. He smiled down at the baby and you watched in awe as he bent and sweetly placed a kiss on the baby's forehead. "Tom?" You said, stopping him in the doorway, "We won't be going home for another couple of days, if you'd like to visit us again." Tom held your gaze for a moment, "I'd love to." He answered "Goodbye darling." You gave a little wave as he turned and left the room.
**to be continued **

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