Oh Baby

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"Abigail." You grimaced, the contractions were unbelievably strong and fast. Was it the stress of the elevator? Was Tom right, could your baby sense you being upset? You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "There, that's it, love, breathe." You heard Tom say softly. His voice was actually quite soothing. You opened your eyes and felt a little better. "Let's take your mind off this some," he said, sitting in the floor in front of you, "You sound southern American, yes?" You nodded "Interesting! Tell me, dear Abigail, from where do you hail?" You shifted uncomfortably on the hard floor "Tennesse. Knoxville, Tennesse." Tom tilted his head and smiled sweetly "Long way from home, pet." You chuckled and nodded "I know, I moved here for work. To teach, I'm a professor at Cambridge." Tom was genuinely interested "Oh? What do you teach?" You gritted your teeth as another contraction hit, "Uuuugggghhh.. Literature..." Tom's face lit up, "My favorite subject! I adore Shakespeare..." You smiled fondly "Me too." There was a crackle from the intercom and Tom jumped to his feet. The voice on the other end was different than before. "Hullo? Sir?" "Yes, I'm here!" Tom exclaimed "Sir, this is London EMS, we understand there's a woman in labor?" "Yes! She's contracting quite regularly, you really must do something, they're getting stronger." "I'm sorry sir, the engineers are trying to find out what's wrong with the lift, we can't do anything until we can move it." Tom looked at you in pity, "I... I understand.. wh...what do I do?" "Stay calm sir, is the patient conscious?" A strong contraction racked your body and you scream in pain. "She's conscious." Tom said dryly "Miss, can you hear me?" The medic addressed you. "Yes, please hurry!" You yell, panic setting in again. "We're doing all we can, are you to term?" They asked "Yes, almost to the day, but this is my first, should this be happening so fast?" "That's not always true, miss, babies decide when they come." Another contraction sent you bowing up in pain, you screamed and Tom once again fell to your side, grabbing your hand and placing his other hand to your cheek. "Well, I think this one is deciding on soon!" Tom shouted "Sir, I need you to check if the baby is coming. " Tom blanched "WHAT?!" "Sir, I need you to look at her vagina and see if you can see a head." Tom hesitated for a moment, before another contraction hit, causing you to scream. "Just do it Tom!" You screamed, scooting flat. Tom crawled to your feet as you struggled to pull down your panties. "Help, I cant get them off." Tom pulled them down your legs and tossed them aside. You bent your legs and blushing, spred your legs. Tom took a deep breath and bent closer. "Sir?" The medic called "Yes, I'm looking... I think.. yes, I see a bit of the head!" "I feel like I need to push!" You shouted "Sir" the medic said carefully, "I'm going to need you to focus, the lady is going to push, I need you to deliver this baby." Tom looked terrified. "Tom!" You yelled, he looked up at you, "Please. Help me!" Suddenly, all traces of fear left his face, replaced with determination. He gave a nod and bent back down between your legs. With the next contraction, you have a hard push. You felt horrible pressure in your genitals, but only had a moment to take in a quick breath before pushing again. Three more pushes later, you heard Tom shout "Oh my god, the head is out!" You took a deep breath and pushed harder "Yes! Yes darling, you're nearly there! Keep going, love!" You felt like you were ripping in two, but you have another huge push, screaming, the pressure became unbearable, before, "YES! You did it, darling, you did it!" You heard Tom yell gleefully, followed by the beautiful sound of your baby crying. You fell back in relief and heard the medic asking what color the amniotic fluid was. "Uh... clear, it's clear!" Tom yelled back. You sit up on your elbows and look down at Tom, cradling your slimy, screaming baby, grinning and laughing, tears of happiness streaming down his face "Eheheheh!" "Sir, wrap the baby in something, you have to keep it warm!" Tom looked around and grabbed his own coat, and gently wrapped your baby in it. "Tom" you say "What is it?" Tom smiled at you through tears, "It's a girl." He looked back down at the baby, who had settled down "A beautiful, perfect baby girl." You sit up against the wall and stretched out. He placed her in your arms and crawled back around so you could lie against him. He stroked your hair as you whispered greeting to your daughter. You leaned your head back against his shoulder and looked up at him "Thank you, thank you so much." You said, smiling. He pressed his forehead against yours "That. Was the most amazing thing I've ever done." He answered. "Congratulations, miss." The medic said "Do you have anyone you'd like us to call?" "Thank you, but no." You answered, not taking your eyes off your baby. Tom frowned "No one?" You shook your head "It's just me and her in this big ol world." Tom was at a loss for words, you felt him pull you tighter against him. Suddenly, the elevator gave a jolt and began to move down. "What a relief!" Tom said as the doors opened. You were rushed by medics, who quickly cut the cord and took the baby, Tom helped get you onto the stretcher. "Don't worry, love, everything will be ok" Tom said as they put you in the ambulance and closed the door. "That was Tom Hiddleston!" You heard the medic said to his partner, who shrugged, "You know, LOKI!" You lie there mouth agape, realizing who your hero was.
To be continued...

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