Chapter 3 ~ The Night Raid

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~Toriel's P.O.V.~

We reached the camp a little before nightfall. The small fire cast evil shadows and produced a menacing yellow-Orange glow. I could smell the tobacco smoke being produced by Gimli's wooden pipe and hear small talk amongst the men. Aragorn was reading a book, with some strange runes written on the cover, while Gandalf was muttering to himself in an unknown language. Frodo gazed into the fire half-asleep with his head in Sam's lap. Pippin and Merry were arguing over whether or not to cook the potatoes they packed and eat them with skin or to mash them. Gandalf looked up at me when I stumbled upon the camp. His eyes filled with worry and a hint of anger. "Where have you been?" He asked before  noticing my still bleeding leg. "Come now Toriel and sit down on this log." I sat down as Aragorn put down his book. Legolas came into view as he and Pippin skinned and gut the turkey while Merry sliced up the potatoes and put the pot of water over the stove. Aragorn untied my make-shift bind and sucked in his cheeks, and making a hissing sound. "It's not infected but it will be sore for the next few days." Aragorn dipped in a wooden ladle and poured the water over my wounded leg. I quietly yelped as the water had come to a boil and was poured over my tender exposed muscle. Aragorn dipped his head in sympathy before crushing a small bundle of green leaves in his palm. "Athelas?" I asked him before he soaked the crushed and rolled leaves in a small bowl. "Yes." He replied. "How did you know?" I leaned forward. "Papa keeps some in his medicine cabinet for when he or I get a fever." Aragorn nodded his head. "I see."  He wrinkled his nose. " You should probably wash up in the morning." I sighed. "Believe me when I say most of this isn't mine." Aragorn smiled. "Hey it's ok, we have all been drenched in blood before. Most of us Orc blood but I guess animal blood too." "Yeah but have you had a hanging deer carcass pour blood on your head before it landed on you?" I ask, giving him a sincerely serious look. "No, but I am guessing that's what happened to you?" I sighed again. "Yeah, a mountain lion and I had a tumble and his meal fell on my head after I had killed him." I explained. Aragorn laughed. "Sounds like quite a day for you." I agreed with him. "Like you wouldn't believe." I heard the sounds of a knife scraping wood before seeing Legolas scraping meat into the pot above the fire. Aragorn tied a proper bandage before handing me a stick. " I don't need it." I say before getting up. I smell a hearty soup cooking and see a nice brown broth with Turkey, carrots, potatoes and a nice smelling spice. Gimli is laughing so I shot him a glare. "What's so funny?" Gimli took his pipe out of his mouth. "Nothing, just heard you telling Aragorn about your tumble with a mountain lion." Legolas walked over. "It's not funny Gimli she could have been seriously hurt." Gimli stood up. "I wasn't laughing at that Pointy-Ears. I was laughing about the deer carcass dumping blood on her head." Gimli stretched to put his hand on my shoulder. "It's not everyday you hear that!" He chuckled o himself before sitting back down and smoking his pipe again. I groaned before sitting down next to Frodo. "So." I say nudging him since he was fully awake now. "What.... so me??" I laughed. "Yeah you! So how's this trip been for you?" Frodo blushed before answering. "It's ok... I guess. I've been stabbed in the shoulder by a Black Rider. But that's about it." "Ooh that's got to have hurt." Frodo looked at his feet. "I'm all better now but it did." Sam opened his eyes and stretched. "Hey Sam." I said. He rubbed his eyes before sleepily replied "Hello Mistress Toriel." Pippin bounded over announcing that dinner was ready. "Smells good Pippin." Pippin handed me a bowl. "Thanks, it's my ma's recipie." I nodded before sitting next to Legolas, who already was eating quietly. He quickly stuck the wooden spoon in his mouth before cautiously looking at me. I smiled. "Hey." I said softly nudging his shoulder. He took the spoon out of his mouth before drawing in a shaky breath. "Hey." He said turning towards me. "You alright?" He asked motioning towards my leg. I lifted my leg while bringing my face slightly towards it. "I'll live." Legolas chuckled. "Ok, but you should probably go wash before we head out in the morning." I hung my head. "Wasn't my fault." I grumbled. He set his empty bowl beside him. "I know, but just a thought." I looked at my soup bowl, not feeling hungry anymore. I smelt a foul stench, like a rotting corpse sitting in the sunlight on a hot July day. I selected a piece of my hair and lightly sniffed if before gagging. "It's pretty bad isn't it?" I said turning towards Legolas. "Yeah." He replied before handing me a bucket of water."Thanks." I said before dunking my blood-stained hair in the water, turning it a bronze-red in the wooden bucket. I wrung out my semi-clean hair, and handed the bucket back to Legolas. "Do I smell better now?" Legolas leaned in and took a deep smell. "Yeah,"  He replied, "Especially since Gandalf snuck some soap in there before you rinsed your head." I selected another strand of my hair, this time it smelled like lavender Instead of rotting deer carcass. I regained my appetite and hungrily eat the soup, which by now was semi-warm. I looked up from my soup to see everyone staring at me. "What?" I asked. Finally Boromir spoke. "You certainly don't eat like a lady should." I shrugged my shoulders. "What? I was hungry and I don't have a napkin or anything..." I said starting to ramble on about my table manners. Finally Merry chuckled, which made him start laughing, which then made Pippin laugh until everyone was laughing but Gandalf and I. The laughter died down when Gandalf stood. "Alright, you've had your laugh, now we need to start being quiet as I heard Orc howls and saw Warg footprints on our journey here."  Frodo unrolled a bag and settled in while Sam laid beside him. Pippin and Merry laid, with their heads on one of the logs, and chatted quietly. Aragorn gathered the dirty bowls and silverware, which in this case were wood not metal, and sat next to Gandalf to chat about where we were headed next. Gimli refilled his pipe before sliding next to me on the log. He took a few puffs before offering it to me. "No thanks, I don't smoke." Gimli shrugged before putting it back in his mouth. "So," He said finally, "Do you know any good songs or stories where you are from?" I thought for a moment. "Yeah I know a song my mother used to my little brother before bed, and I know a story Papa told me." Gimli smiled before saying, "Well alright let's hear them then." I sighed. "I know the song by heart but I don't know if I should sing it. It's a lullaby and you have the first watch. I don't really want to put you to sleep." I explained to Gimli. "Aw, The little Hairy Dwarf won't fall asleep. He's had to much to smoke." I look over to see Legolas sharpening his sword and smirking to himself. Gimli sputtered and coughed up smoke. I laughed. "Oh, alright then." I say "Gandalf should know this." I looked over at the old wizard and he instantly knew what I was about to sing. He smiled wearily before encouraging me to go on. I started humming the intro before going into the beginning.

Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep,

and, carry you down into sleep,

child the darkness will rise from the deep and,

carry you down into,

Guileless son, I'll shape your belief,

and you'll always know that your father's a thief,

and you won't understand the cause of your grief,

but you'll always follow the voices beneath,

Guileless son, Your spirit will hate her,

the flower that married my brother the traitor,

and you will expose, his puppeteer behavior,

for you are the proof, of how he betrayed her loyalty,

Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep,

and, carry you down into sleep,

Child, the darkness will rise from the deep,

and, carry you down into slee-ee-eheee-ehee-ee-eh-eheeeeh

Guileless Son, each day you grow older,

each moment I'm watching my vengeance unfold,

Child of my vibe, Flesh of my soul,

Will die in returning, the birth-right he stole,

Hush Child, the darkness will rise from the deep,

and, carry you down into sleep,

Child, the darkness will rise from the deep,

and, carry you down into slee-ee-eeeeeh-ee-ee-ee-eh-eeeeehe

I finished the lullaby to see everyone looking at me.


Aragorn's P.O.V.

She had such a beautiful voice. I could see Legolas's eyes sparkle at the sound. Frodo had awoken to hear it, and a long side him Sam. Pippin and Merry had stopped chatting to listen. Gimli's mouth was open in awe. All I could do was just sit here and let my ears taste the sweet sound. Gandalf was sitting on a stump, looking proud, and was smiling. "What? Did you not like it?" She asked. I could see her confidence wavering. Legolas was the first one to speak. "That was amazing." Gimli just sat there still with his mouth open. Toriel gently closed it for him and he silently thanked her. Toriel smiled and stood up. Frodo laid back down and smiled. Sam rubbed his sleepy bewildered eyes, before rolling up his  blanket. We all tensed up when we heard the howl.


Legolas's P.O.V

The howl was a shrill shriek that cut the air like a knife. Frodo shuddered. Toriel seemed to leap on the fire, quickly putting it out, and gathered up everything she could. Gimli opened up his mouth to speak but I shot him a glare. He quickly grabbed the handle of his axe, without saying a word. Everyone stood up and quietly packed up. I grabbed Aragorn by his arm and pulled him to me. "What should we about Frodo?" Aragorn sighed. "We could send him with Toriel. She knows this forest better then we do." I nodded before calling her over. "We need you to take Frodo and Sam somewhere safe. Do you know anywhere safe enough." She smiled. "Of course I do! Orcs can't climb trees right?" I nodded. "Correct!" She called over Frodo and Sam. "C'mon. You're coming with me." She grabbed Frodo's arm and drug him along behind her. We heard another shriek after Toriel, Frodo and Sam had left. 18 silver eyes glittered in the dark. Suddenly  a Warg rider burst out through the shadows. Gimli smashed in the head of the Warg while I shot the orc in the neck. There was silence before the rest of them smashed out.


Hey everyone, I'd like to tell you that every Character will get a P.O.V.

The song Toriel sang is called Mordred's Lullaby by Heather Dale.


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