Chapter 2~ The Dangers of the Forest

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Legolas's P.O.V.


I watched Toriel pack her bag full of non perishable food a few changes of clothes. She grabbed a few daggers and threw them into the green satchel. She then pull out a drawer from her dresser and set it on the bed. Behind the drawer was a sword taped to the back. She threw that on the bed while humming to herself. I stood leaned against the doorway and smiling to myself at the busy girl. She moved to her closet where she took out a green cloak and fastened it to herself before removing a full quiver if arrows and wooden bow.

She pulled out one of the arrows and walked over to me, handing me the arrow. "Here, in payment for the one I broke." I picked the arrow out of her fragile hand and admired the handiwork. "This is nice. Where did you get these?" She spoke while still stuffing her bag. "Papa wrote a book about his adventure with Thorin and Company. He returned with a bow and quiver for me from what he said was the woodland realm." I chuckled. "What's so funny?" She asked turning towards me. "That's my home. I am the Prince of Mirkwood." Her face turned red. " Coincidence?" She turned back to her bag. "I think not..." I heard her say under her breath.

    She strapped on her sword and put on her quiver and sighed. "Well, let's go!" She ducked under my arm and headed back to the back door of the house. "Bye Papa." Toriel said before heading outside. I quickly out the arrow in my quiver before following the rest of the Fellowship outside.


Toriel's P.O.V


I hoisted my bag on to my shoulder and leaped from rock to rock, almost slipping a few times, and pointing out which rocks were safe to step on. We continued walking after crossing the rock filled gorge, me in the lead, followed by Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry, Legolas and Gimli.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard a low growl coming from the distance. I held my hand up and looked back at the group to see Legolas and Aragorn giving me concerned looks. "Did you guys hear it too?" I Whispered to them both, which then they nodded. "WHAT DID YOU GUYS HEAR?" Gimli shouted. I swiftly ran to the back and slapped Gimli in the back of the head. "Be quiet!" I hissed. Gimli rubbed his sore head. "Stay here." I told them, looking at the hobbits. Sam was looking worried so I stroked his face before sprinting off.

I followed the sound to see a pool of blood in a mountain lion track. I stealthily walked along before the blood began to gradually become more present. I followed the blood until it just suddenly stopped. I stood there confused until I felt a drop fall on my head. I reached up and wiped the drop off my head. my finger was red so I looked up only to get another drop in my eye. It stung so I moved out of the way a bit to see a deer carcass hanging in the tree. A branch above the deer was a tan Mountain Lion. I groaned. 'I guess I better kill it.' I pulled out my sword and started climbing the tree. I was almost there when I grabbed a dead stick. The stick snapped causing me to fall from the tree, landing on the ground with a large Thump and causing me to yelp. The Mountain Lion noticed me and, being hungry still, licked its lips and jumped down from the branch.

It landed on top of me, scratching my face. I grunt and grab my sword just as the beast bit into my leg and ripped out a small chunk of my thigh. I shrieked in pain and dropped my sword, which then slid down the hill. I reached down slowly and barely grasping my hidden dagger. I thrust it up into the beasts chest, earning a satisfying growl of pain, and twisting the dagger making the beast fall over dead. I stood up and ripped a piece of cloth from my cloak to make a bind. I tightly wrapped the bind around my leg before retrieving my sword.

I got back to the top of the hill when the deer carcass fell from the tree, landing on my and emptying the rest of the blood in many hair, and dripped inside my shirt, staining it red.

I grabbed a nearby shrub to help myself up the hill. I painstakingly reached the top only to be met by Legolas.


Legolas's P.O.V.


I reached down my hand to help Toriel up. I heaved her up catching her leg on a uprooted tree root, causing her to shriek, and tears pooled in her eyes. She finally was up the fairly steep hill when I saw the blood stained bind and the blood in her hair and on her shoulders. The blood dripping from her hair was going in her right eye, making it swollen and an ugly red color. Her face was all scratched and smelled of a animal carcass. Her chest was heaving and she was breathing heavily. "Believe me," Toriel said "Most of this blood is not mine." I nodded slowly. "Yeah the rotting carcass smell kind of gave it away." She rolled her eyes and she chuckled and hobbled away back towards the meeting spot. She stopped again before starting to climb another tree. "What are you doing? You just had a fight with a mountain lion and now you're climbing a tree?" She got to the top and I heard her unsheath a weapon before heading a bird cry and blood pour down the tree. "Hey Legolas!" "Yeah?" A turkey came flying out of the tree. "Catch!" I caught the bird before hearing a branch snap and a shriek. I ran and caught Toriel before she hit the ground. I heard her groan. "What?" I asked catching her frustrated gaze. "That's the second time today that I have fallen out of a tree..." I laughed setting her on the ground. "Come on. Let's go back to camp."


End of chapter 2

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