Chapter 4 ~ Together Again

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Frodo's P.O.V

"Run!" Toriel hissed at us as she pulled me along even faster. I could hear Sam running out of breath. The metal sword was clicking against her belt when she ran. Her cheeks burned with intense concentration. She whispered through clenched teeth, "We are almost there guys. You need to ramp up speed and we will rest in the hiding spot." I could hear Sam groan behind me. I turned my head to look at Sam before being jerked forward as a way of silently saying 'move'. Sam raced along beside me for the rest of what Toriel called 'A short distance.' She stopped us at a tall oak tree with deep man-made holes in the trunk. "Climb." She said before hoisting me up to the fourth or fifth wrung.  I climbed a few wrungs before looking down to see Sam being hoisted up too. I climbed higher into the tree, being scratched by the dead branches, alive branches and leaves, which were surprisingly sharp. I looked up to see what looked like a small wooden shack with a wooden trap door at the top of the tree ladder. I barely grasped the metal latch before making it up the last wrung. The latch was rusted and wouldn't budge. "What's wrong Mister Frodo?" Sam whispered "The latch is rusted. It won't move an inch!" Toriel whispered something I couldn't hear. Sam whispered "Mistress Toriel says to cut away the rust with your knife and that should open it up." I grabbed my sword, Sting, and scraped away the rust around the latch. The latch opened easier than it did before and the trap door opened up to the inside of the little house. I barley had enough strength in me to pull myself into the tree house. Sam pushed me into the house before pulling himself up into the wooden shelter. Toriel swung up in with ease before laying out a blanket for me to sleep in. I collapsed into the blanket, tired from the already long journey and the bearing weight I carried with me.


Sam's P.O.V

With Mister Frodo passed out on the floor the only two people left to keep watch for everyone else was Mistress Toriel and I. I looked at the soft blanket on the floor longingly, since I hadn't had a good night's sleep since we left. "Go ahead." I heard softly. I turned to see Toriel looking out a wooden window, and into the woods around us. Her arms were wrapped around her like she was giving herself a hug. "Go ahead, get some sleep. I'll keep watch." I heard her say again. "Thank you." I said before she embraced me into a hug. "Do you think they will be right?" I heard her say. I hugged her back. "They will be fine Mistress Toriel." Her hug tightened. "I hope your right." She softly whispered, and turned to look out the window again. I finally laid down in the soft blanket and fell asleep.


Aragorn's P.O.V

The orcs surrounded us with their orcish blades shining in the moonlight. Their pale eyes glowed in the dark, and their armor cast even darker shadows on the ground and on the trees. Legolas drew another arrow, and placed it on the string. Gimli, axe in hand, narrowed his eyes. Merry and Pippin drew their swords and shook in fear. Gandalf drew his sword and lit his staff, which cast a white glow. I drew my trusty sword and charged at the orcs. Legolas shot a few orcs in the head, black gooey blood spewing out of the wound site. Gimli bashed in a few heads before getting his axe stuck in an orc's hip bone. Gandalf stayed behind to help Pippin and Merry fight. Merry kept thrusting his sword forward while Pippin swung his around wildly. Legolas drew out his dual swords and kicked orcs as he slaughtered them. Legolas was talking to himself in elvish, but I was too far away to hear him. An Orc charged at me. His Warg looking tired from running a long ways. I quickly decapitated the Warg and turned to the Orc that was thrown off. He swung his sword at me, which I ducked just in time. I thrust my blade at him, to which he caught, and flipped me. I landed on the ground with the wind knocked out of me. The Orc put a leather bound foot on my chest and placed the Orc blade up to my throat, ready for the fatal slice. I shut my eyes and waited for the stinging pain of metal cutting my flesh.


Gimli's P.O.V

My damn axe got stuck in the orcs hip bone. I sighed and tried very hard to yank the damn thing and get back to the bloody fight. Pointy Ears shooting them all and here I am getting my weapon unlodged from this damn hip bone. I heard a war cry and looked to see Aragorn on his back, and an Orc standing on top of him. I heaved and got the damn thing out. I yelled and ran towards the Orc. I smashed his knee cap in so his head fell to my height. I repeatedly whacked the Orc again and again until all of my anger was out. I looked up to see all of the Orcs dead and the Wargs all a bloody mess. Gandalf motioned us to follow him. I put away my axe and silently followed the rest.


Toriel's P.O.V

I stood staring out the window, looking for any signs of the rest of the Fellowship. I heard yelling and screaming in the distance and shivered. I silently hoped that no one was hurt but the Orcs and Wargs. I sighed, and needed to stretch my legs a bit. I left my bow and arrows in the tree house but took my sword. I silently crept towards the opening and lifted the hatch. The rusted metal made a loud creaking sound. Frodo sat up, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Toriel? Where are you going?" I winced. "Sorry I was just going outside for a bit. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." He yawned and laid back down. "That's ok." I heard his soft snoring again before climbing down the man-made ladder. I stood at the bottom of the tree and took a big breath of the forest air. It was clean and crisp. The moon above the trees was so big and bright and the millions of stars just seemed to smile down at the world below. The yellow eyes that stared at me would hoot, revealing an owl or would show the antlers it was proudly supporting. I unsheathed my sword and pretended to fight a sapling, which in the end the sapling lost when I accidentally cut off a few leaves. I walked back to the big oak that the tree house was in. I sat at the wooden base and liked over my sword. It had belong to my grandmother, who was Papa's wife. The handle was covered rubies and diamonds and was made of pure steel. The blade had two Initials carved into it. L.T. Her name was Lena Tolkien and she died in the same car accident as my parents. Papa cried for a long time and was so sad. He wouldn't come out of his room until he knew that I was the only one who had survived. He gave this to me for my 14th birthday. I held onto the handle and thought about my grandmother holding her sword. I imagined her thrusting it forward and blocking Papa's attacks when they would train. They were both so happy. A single tear escaped my eye and I looked at the sky. I wiped it away when I heard leaves crunching in the distance. An arrow flew out of the bushes and almost hit me in the face. I flew back and hit the ground. Legolas lept out of the bushes and smirked. "Why the hell do you keep greeting me like that?" I said to him, standing up and brushing myself off. "It's fun to watch you be startled." I mockingly smirked back at him. "So where are the other two hobbits?" said a voice behind Legolas. "Hey Gimli, They are up there." I said pointing to the oak tree. "Why are they sleeping on branches?" asked Boromir who just showed up. "They are not sleeping on branches. There is a tree house up there." Pippin and Merry showed up, out of breath. "Whoa, were you guys running?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Merry was bent over, his hands on his knees, and was breathing really heavily. Pippin was sprawled on the ground. "No.*puff puff* we are just, *puff puff* out of..." said Merry "shape." Pippin finished. I laughed. Gandalf strode up the side of the hill, his long grey beard swaying with each step. Aragorn calmly walked behind him.  There were sine black shiny splotches on his face. "Uh, Aragorn?" I say pointing to his face. He grumbled before forcefully wiping the blood off of his face. "Well c'mon there us enough room up in the tree house." I say walking away towards the tree house.

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