Panic attack (could be seen as prinxiety ig)

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TW; Elements of self harm (mentions of past self-harm, scratching, etc) leave if you are uncomfortable with that.
It was just a normal day for Virgil, all of a sudden it turned into a train wreck.
Now Virgil was rocking on the floor, tears streaming down his face, in front of Roman, Logan, and Patton, trying his best to stabilize his breathing and not cause a scene.
Too late I guess.
Despite the panic wracking his body, he was able to see clearly, but not hear, all he could hear was the rapid beating of his heart.
His nails were digging into his arms and sides, while the sting of open skin was comforting
Patton looked scared and afraid to do something, he had his hands outstretched, unsure of whether to make a move.
Logan was watching him with his "for once I have no clue what to do" look and that wasn't comforting at all.
Roman...Roman looked guilty and panicked, as if he was on the verge of tears himself.
While Virgil's eyes darted around the room, he caught sight of Patton's arms, shooting out and latching on to them, he tried to restrain himself from scratching them, clinging on to them for dear life, he practiced his grounding techniques.
In for four
Hold for seven
Out for eight
In for four
Hold for seven
Out for eight...
The traits gave each other nervous looks as Patton held the shaking side in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
"What should we do???" Roman whispered, panicking.
"I think it's best to leave Patton to it, perhaps we should try to calm him. You run you hands through his hair, but make sure he's ok with it" Logan ordered
Roman nodded, shuffling closer to the dark personality.
Virgil heard a soft question in his ear "can I touch you?" He managed to nod slowly, feeling new tears slip down his cheeks.
Roman settled down behind him and ran his fingers through his surprisingly soft hair.
Logan began rubbing circles into his shoulders.
Slowly but surely, they saw Virgil relax and Stop crying, shaking, and clinging so tightly to Patton's arms.
He looked up, upon seeing all of his companions, he flinched, backing up, and struggling to get away
"Imsorryusuallyimabletogettomyroomintimefortheseimsorryimsorry" he sobbed, speaking way to fast
"Shhh, shh, it's ok, don't talk" Patton whispered, hugging him close. Virgil leaned into his arms, sighing softly.
"I'm sorry, usually I'm able to get to my room-"
"You've gotten that before?!" Roman gasped, horrified.
"Yeah...around twice a week..." he murmured the last part so softly, they could barely hear it, but Roman did
Virgil made the mistake of looking up at him, only to see a heartbroken expression on romans face.
"That is unhealthy, why didn't you tell us that before?" Logan questioned, uncertainty written on his face.
Virgil shrugged. Patton began to pull away, causing Virgil to let out a pathetic whimper.
Virgil slapped a hand over his mouth, blood rushing to his cheeks.
"Let's go to the couch, ok kiddo?" Patton murmured softly, paying no attention to the noise. Virgil nodded, sliding over to it and sitting down, finally resting.
The others followed, Logan sitting on the coffee table, and Roman leaning back into a chair, Patton sat down next t9 him, and Virgil nuzzled into his open arms, earning a small "how cute" from Patton
"I'm not cute"
"Yes you are hot topic"
Roman squeezed Virgil's hand, looking him in the eyes
"I'm truly sorry we have never helped you, or noticed. As a prince I'm supposed to help and save people, and I have displayed terrible prince behavior, and I'd like to make it up to you."
"Will you let me?"
"Of course"
Virgil looked at the traits that he knew loved him
"I love you guys"
They beamed at him
"We are family"
The ending feels rushed? Idk...
Au revoir!!

Sanders Sides One-shots (Mainly Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now