Unanswered Questions

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    "Aunt Clara i don't understand" i say stuttering in disbelief. "Your uncle is changing. The joyful young spirit i fell in love with was torn apart by the passing of your parents. He blames you... but he also blames himself...... I love you Ophelia. I'm dropping you off with a trusted friend of mine and your parents; they will take care of you. Do you remember Jonah from the hospital?" i nod yes and she continues " Well, it wasn't an accident that he is the one who found you that night. I knew your uncle was only getting worse so I had arranged for him and his dad, Eric, to come get you and take you to their place... to keep you safe". My aunt Clara looks at me sadly as she pulls up to a gas station in the middle of no where. " Were stopping here to get gas. Here's five dollars..." she hands me the money " Go use the bathroom and buy some snacks if you need it"

The gas station seems relatively new and unused. The weather outside is just another damp, cool, fall night. But something seems different.... something feels fresh... like freedom. Entering the small store i make my way to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I look like i haven't slept in months. My hair is sticking up and knotted, my face is pale and lifeless. I look dead. After taking care of my business. I buy a bag of Hot Cheetos and a water. I plug in my earbuds and put on Paralyzed by NF. Letting the music take me away, i slip back into the car. Aunt Clara is talking to me .... i hear it....but at the same time... i don't. She knows i'm lost, so she doesn't press. After about two hours of hitting replay and crying silently so she doesn't worry we pull up to a seemingly abandoned house down a long dirt road.

"Clara I don't understand... it doesn't look like anyone lives here" i look around at the nature surrounding the house. The stars are shinning brightly and the moon reflects off the dew on the grass creating a beautiful scene in front of us. The house is surrounded by trees and has a huge river in the back.

"Ophelia listen. What i'm about to tell you is extremely important.... Your parents were special.... they could do things. Wonderful things. They possessed great powers that could change the world" she says fast. "Wha-" I cant even get out a word before she continues. "Listen.  You too have those powers. Her phone rings, cutting her off. " Its your uncle. I have to go Ophelia... don't worry honey you can trust these people." By now, tears are streaming down my face, causing my vision to blur. The door of the car slams open causing me to jump and scream.

"Hello again grumpy pants". Jonah?! Snapping my head towards the door, he sees the tears on my face and looks at me apologetically. "Clara i don't understand..." my mind is a mess and i cant process what is happening. " I'll get her stuff out of the trunk and bring them inside" Jonah says to my aunt; he disappears from my view and another man appears.

"Hello young lady, my name is Eric. I'm Jonah's dad. Were going to take good care of you ok?" he extends his hand to help me out of the car. Nodding my head, i take his hand sliding out of the car, and close the door behind me. Aunt Clara wraps me into her arms and strokes my hair. This might be the last time I ever get to feel the warm, loving, comfort that my aunt has offered me since I moved in with her. "I love you aunt Clara, thank you for everything" i mumble into her shoulder, now sobbing. "Don't worry honey, I will see you again.. some time soon. Ok?" she strokes my hair one last time before letting me go and getting back into the car. "I love you Ophelia" with that, she drives off, leaving me with these strangers and so many unanswered questions.


Short chapter; sorry, but i'm late to an event with my family.

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