Casper Lee Imagine

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For @joesuggloves




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Y/N was laying in bed when her/his boyfriend Caspar comes in. "Hey babe so are you ready to go to Africa tomorrow". He asks her/him as he lays down next to them. Y/N smiled and nodded "yeah I am". She/He says to him and pecks his lips. "Got everything packed?" Y/N nods again and giggles. "Let's just go to sleep idiot". She/He chuckles pulling the covers over her/him. "But I'm your idiot so it's okay". Caspar says turning the lights off before laying down next to Y/N. Y/N kisses his lips before going to sleep with Caspar.

The next morning Y/N and Caspar hop on a plane going to South Africa where they were greeted by Caspar's parents. They drove you back to the house and you both unpack before relaxing for the day. The next day was New Years Eve where Caspar was planning something for Y/N. Caspar's Parents and the two of you went to the beach having fun. Y/N was tanning on a beach towel, Casper sneaks up on her/him and picks Y/N up. He runs to the ocean as Y/N holds onto him. "No! No! Caspar stop, AH!" She/he was thrown into the water, when Y/N got back up to the surface she/He splashes water causing a water fight. Caspar chuckles as he splashed back and they went back and forth. Soon they both called a truce so they could both swim together. When Caspar and Y/N walk out of the water they quickly got to dry off. He looks at her/him smiling before giving Y/N a peck on the lips and holding her/his hips. As the day goes on they go back to the house to get ready for the New Years Eve's party. When everyone has arrived everyone drinks, eats, and dances. Y/N and Caspar were drinking wine and danced together throughout the night.

It was getting close to midnight everyone gathered in the living room doing the countdown. Caspar was looking nervous as he counted. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1". Casper grabs Y/N's waist and kisses her/him deeply as everyone cheered or kissed like them. As he slowly pulled away he goes into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Going down on one knee he opens it up making Y/N put her/his hands over their mouth, tearing up slightly. "Y/N it's the new year and you have made me the happiest guy each year since we've met. So to that I want to ask, will you marry me? And give me more happy years together?". Caspar asked her/him as everyone was now quiet and watching them. Y/N nods crying tears of joy making everyone cheer, as Caspar smiles and puts the ring on Y/N's ring finger. He pulls her/him over by their waist and kisses Y/N deeply.

As the party ends and everyone leaves goodbye or congratulating them, Y/N and Caspar goes upstairs. Y/N yawns as she/he goes and changes into Pjs. Casper does the same and they both head to bed. As Y/N cuddles up to him she/him smiles at him. "I love you Caspar". She/He says kissing his lips before laying her/his head down on his chest. "I love you too Y/N". He says to her smiling before they both fall asleep.

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