Imagine #1 FazeRug: Nightmares

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Brian and you were in bed asleep. It was a long day and night, as Brian wanted to take you to the haunted tunnel. You protested so much but soon cave in for the video. Since he lost his flashlight you went to target and bought two new ones. When you went to the tunnel as suspected it was scary. Brian was holding your hand the whole time as you went down the tunnel. As you looked at the graffiti you heard footsteps, thumps, and almost like a kid crying. You were tired, scared, and tense by the end of it all. So it wasn't really a surprise when you went to bed with Brian that you were scared to sleep but also wishing you could. But soon you both fell asleep.

"Y/N where are you?!" Brian screamed as the sound echoed. "I'm down here please come quick", You say loudly. You were back in the tunnel but it was super dark. It felt like the walls were closing in as you were starting to panic. The sounds of someone running echoing through the tunnel. The footsteps stopped in front of you and a hand grabbed onto your shoulder. It felt ice cold and stronger from Brian's hand. "B-Brian, babe is that you"? You asked absolutely terrified. "Yes, who are you". He asked his voice raspy and in a slight glow you could see his eyes completely Black. As well as black oil like substance dripping down and onto the floor. You scream as Brian's face morphs into some one else's laughing evilly, before you felt a slight pain in your side.

Screaming you woke up and Brian was there trying to shake you awake. The bedside lamps were on and your boyfriend was fully awake. As you sat up Brian goes over and brings you close. Hugging you protectively as you were crying uncontrollably. "It's okay Y/N, I got you don't worry". He says softly and quietly in your ear. Brian was so worried about you especially since he haven't seen you have a nightmare before. "Do you want to talk about it"? He asked you as you calmed down slightly. "J-just a nightmare....I think it was from going to the tunnel". You say quietly as you wipe your tears. He kisses your forehead, "I'm sorry". Brian then kisses your lips. "I promise I won't take you there anymore". He says to you, this make you smile slightly. "Thank you babe" you say as you lean into him. You have calmed down completely and getting tired again. But aswell you didn't want to go to sleep again afraid you'll get another nightmare.

"You want to go to sleep?" He asked finally after a while of hugging you. "Yeah but....I'm scared". You say looking up at him. "Don't worry I'll be here for you throughout the rest of the night I'll be here for you." After that you both went to bed with the lights off and tv on. You were asleep in his arms feeling protected from the unknown.

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