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Erika's POV
Today Jake and I really didn't do anything... we laid around, watched movies and TV shows. My favorite thing we watched was "This is us"... I absolutely love this show. We had dinner and we went up and cuddled. There was a new episode so I watched it with Jake.
Jakes POV
We didn't do anything today so we watched movies and one of Erika's favs, this is us. (On NBC every Tuesday at 9:00 eastern time. Highly recommend...skipping until Feb. 27 due to Olympics) There was a new episode today so we watched it. In this episode, the dad dies(find out in the first episode) but you find out how he dies. Turns out he left the crockpot on and left a dish towel near it, and it caught on fire. The smoke alarms weren't working so they had no idea. Jack(the dad) opened the door and flames burst through. He woke his wife Rebecca up(played by Mandy Moore) and got their 2 kids. They escaped but their dog was trapped, and wouldn't come out... so Jack went into the burning house and got their dog. (A/n: the dog was a little ugly... he only got it because he loves his daughter) they went to the hospital and he died of cardiac arrest (❤️ attack) and Becca wasn't there. So it was pretty sad. I look over and see Erika bawling her eyes out. I calm her down and she finally went to sleep.
Erika's POV
I fell asleep then woke up in the middle of the night with a nightmare.
E: Jake
J: Yes, Erika?
E: I'm scared...
J: why are you scared?
E: I don't want you to die. I don't want our kids without a dad.. I started crying
J: Aww don't cry!! I will never die. I will be with you forever!
With that they fell asleep and thought about what life would be like if they were married.

Hey guys... I'm so sorry for not updating these last 2 days. Sunday I watched this and was to sad to write, then yesterday I fell asleep before I could write anything. I'm sorry this is short. My head hurts a lot because I'm expecting snow and ice tonight and tmrw. I recommend this is us. It's such a good show.
Love y'all
Bye 👋🏻

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