Youre having...

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About 10 weeks time ski
Jakes POV
Today is the day we find out the gender of the twins. I'm really nervous... I'm scared I'm not going to be a good dad. I'm laying in bed and breathing really heavy, which wakes Erika up and she got really scared.
E: Babe what's wrong?
J: I'm just really scared.
E: Aww babe. I wouldn't worry about that! You're a great Boyfriend, going to be a   amazing dad, and a great husband.
J: You know. You make me feel so much better!
E: I know! I try.
I leaned over and kissed Erika which turned into a make out session. Erika fell asleep so I went to the store and bought stuff that we needed, and went to target, and found a baby name book. Which we both desperately needed. I checked out and brought doughnuts home for Team 10, but took the ones Erika and I like, and brought them upstairs. I heard moaning and knew Erika wasn't doing anything, I walked in and was amazed.
J: Really Erika! Fifty shades of gray!!
E: What?! I could use some improvements...
J: No you don't. Anyways I brought you doughnuts. Don't forget we get to see the genders!! I bought baby books to help us out.
E: Thanks babe! We could use them!

Doctor time!!!
Erika's POV
Jake and I arrived at the doctors office and waited about 15 minutes and got called back.
E: Hey Jessica!
Je:Hi Erika! Are the babies causing any more trouble?
E: No...
Je: Good. Any problems from the soon to be daddy?
J: I'm just worried if I'll be a good dad.
Je: that is normal, but once you're officially a father, you'll be ok.
J: Ok. Thanks!
Jessica puts the gel on Erika's stomach while Jake holds Erika's hand.
Je: Do you guys want to hear the heartbeats?
Jerika: Sure!
They hear the heartbeats and Erika starts tearing up.
Je: Do you guys want to know the genders now, print the pictures out and you can find out with your family, or wait until the birth?
E:Can we find out now?
Je: Yes! Would you like to see on the Screen?
J: Yeah.
Jessica turned the tv on and found one baby.
Je: First baby is a... GIRL!!!!
E: Omg! I get to do her hair and dress her up and do girl days with her and T!! Yay!
Everyone laughed
J: I get my queen and a princess, who's my other royalty member?
Je: Well, it looks like you have... a PRINCE coming to the Paul household!
J: Yes! I get to have a bud to play sports with!
They leave happy and plan on having a gender reveal with team 10. Erika and Jake go to carters and look at baby clothes.
E: Ooooo I love this one for baby girl!!!

J: I love it! I'll buy it!E: Yay! Wait until we have one for a boy

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J: I love it! I'll buy it!
E: Yay! Wait until we have one for a boy. I have to go to the bathroom, but you look.
J: Ok.
Jakes POV
Erika had to go to the bathroom so I had to look for an outfit. I looked, then found this:

I thought it was quite adorable, so I chose it

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I thought it was quite adorable, so I chose it. Erika came out of the bathroom and came over and said
E: Ooo buy it!

We went to Michaels and got everything we needed for the reveal. We got balloons, a box, and a chalk board with blue,pink, and white chalk.

We got home and set everything up, but we Jessica over to help with the balloons.

Next chapter soon. (Ps. 100+ reads on the FIRST chapter! OMG

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