Chapter Twelve- The Damage

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Early the next morning, my family and I packed into our small car. Everyone was tired but determined to fix everything for me. Each mile my dad grew angrier and angrier, my mum tried to calm him down. I was nervous but anxious to get my life back and I knew that this was the only way I could do that. This would be a positive step in regaining my life.

I held my laptop tightly, checking the footage every few seconds. I was terrified that it may be deleted or disappear and I would no longer have any evidence. I was scared of this nightmare never ending, we had to get there quickly.

After what felt like an eternity we arrived outside my flat. Everything looked normal and tidy on the outside, it was hard to believe anything had happened on the inside. I put my key into the lock and waited for the door to click open. Much to my surprise, Sienna came running to the door from her bedroom.

"Oh, thank god it's only you Lily. I was so scared those people were back."
Sienna was wrapped in her white duvet, her hair messy.
"Sienna, what the hell are you still doing here? You said the police said not to come back at the moment."
"Yeah I know. I couldn't get tickets to go home until next week though and I figured it wouldn't be too bad if I stayed here until then. I didn't really have any other choice."
Sienna sat on the edge of the couch arm, pulling the duvet further up over her chest.
"They could have come back and killed you! This is so dumb."
"Yeah well Lily, not all of us have the means and support that you have. You've been really lucky in this situation."
"Ha, Yeah well this situation is about to be over. I'm going to the police station with some pretty substantial evidence against James of all fucking people."
I walked past Lily, heading towards my bedroom. I noticed the holes in the walls of the hallway. The carpet hadn't been vacuumed and the portions of wall lied together in piles.
"Wait, what? Lily that's ridiculous. James wouldn't do any of this."
Sienna ran behind me, trying to catch up.
"I'll talk to you about it after I've been to the police, Si. You'll see what I'm talking about."

Part of me didn't want to give Sienna too much information as I was scared James might be hiding somewhere in the house.  My room was a complete disaster, the blue carpet covered in white powder and dead fleas. Nothing was salvageable in my bedroom and I knew it would be a while before I could ever live here again. It no longer felt like my bedroom, it felt like a crime scene. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

I ran past Sienna and back to the parked car outside.
"How was it?"
My mum turned around to face me in the backseat.
"Awful, I won't be able to live there."
"Okay one step at a time. Police first and then we sort out accomodation."

The police station appeared cold and intimidating underneath the shadow of the grey clouds. I had to be brave though.
"Hello, my name is Lily. I was in here recently after a brick was thrown through my window. I have evidence to show someone in charge of the case."
The man behind the desk looked confused and excused himself to get the sergeant. A familiar face walked back with the man and reintroduced himself to me.
"Uh yes Lily. I'm sergeant Henderson, I'm in charge of your case. Would you like to come to my office to discuss what you've found?"
I followed sergeant Henderson towards his office while my thoughts raced through my mind. By the time I left this station would everything be fixed?

I explained the footage of the house and referred to James and Sienna reporting the burglary.
"When was it reported?"
"Recently I believe. Within the last two days or so."
Sergeant Henderson lifted his notes, analysing each word of the case report.
"We haven't had any report of a burglary or vandalism at that address since the time you were in here."
Why would Sienna not have reported the burglary? The whole house was trashed. Why did they say that the police said not to go back to the house? I explained the messages from James and the damage to the house. I then opened my laptop and clicked play on the footage of James. I paused the recording when James faced the camera.
"Alright. This is very substantial evidence. This is enough to charge him actually. Do you know what address he may be located at?"
I wrote down all of James' details and then asked for him to be presented with a restraining order, I feared for my safety. Sergeant Henderson agreed and stated that James would be arrested once they found him. I felt relief that he wouldn't be free to come after me.

Sergeant Henderson checked my contact details were accurate and then said I was free to go. They would contact me once they had caught up with James. I walked back to the car, part of me feeling happy, part of me a tad sorry for James.

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