Chapter Sixteen- Luna

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The months flashed by and slowly things managed to get better. It really is true that time heals everything. Eventually, I had to let James know about the pregnancy. I decided to let him know via letter with no reply address. I let him know everything, how he had turned my life upside down but how I was going to gain something so precious out of it. I would always hate him for what he did but I would always be grateful for the gift of my daughter. I let him know that I would raise her with good morals and to be a good person. I would teach her everything I have learnt and I would teach her to keep her head held high. I also told him how I was enrolled to go back to college next year with the help of my family. What I didn't tell him, is that I would be raising her with my family and attending our local college. I would still make a life for myself and for my baby.

Just before our daughter was born I found out the story behind James and Sienna's crime spree. Four months after James and I had started dating, he began seeing Sienna behind my back. They claim it started out as something only physical that eventually progressed into something spiritual. The nights I thought Sienna was visiting her family, she was really staying with James. The months where James disappeared to "study" he was really avoiding me to spend time with Sienna.

Eventually they realised that I needed to be out of the picture and if James broke up with me they thought I'd figure out was was happening. Apparently chasing me out of town was easier. They thought if I was too scared to go home they could live in the flat together and I would never second guess their honesty. Every idea they came up with to drive me out was attempted, including covering my bedding with fleas.

The only thing is, James got carried away and paranoid that I was catching onto them. With every incident he had to figure out a way to outdo himself so that I didn't catch on. They thought it was working too, until the day I came home to report the footage and tell Sienna, that was when they tried to make a run for it. They called themselves the modern day Bonnie and Clyde. According to the Sargent, they were also quite proud of their crimes. It earned them bragging rights with their new prison friends.

It took a lot of time but I realised how I was the lucky one in the situation. Yes, I had a kid but I was still getting an education and I could still graduate. I would still be successful but Sienna and James never would be. They would have a serious criminal record for the rest of their lives and incomplete college degrees. I also had the support of my amazing family who never once let me quit.

Luna was born on the six of July at 11pm underneath a full moon. The moon guided me like a compass on the way to the hospital and kept us safe during her delivery. The moon was still my friend, but this time she wasn't my only friend. My family were all there for me. Once Luna arrived, I was no longer the crescent of the person I used to be. I was a strong person with a sense of direction. Luna helped me to see how I can get through anything that happens to me.

I believe that I was and still am, on the right track. Luna and I can do anything we set our mind to, regardless of the obstacles.

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