8. The Adventure Begins

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'Let your boys test their wings. They may not be eagles, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't soar free.'

~ C.J. Milbrandt, On Your Marks: The Adventure Begins. 

Shaheen P.O.V.

Today was the day that I decided to convince Alia about the camp. I'll have to be careful about it; I know it's a sensitive topic. I know my sister and I know how she'll react. Honestly, that's what scared me the most, her reaction to all of it.

I'd have to be careful with my words, she shouldn't have the slightest idea why I'm so hell bent to send him there. If she finds out that I know where Varun is and am taking Raghu for a purpose, I don't know what will happen next.

Raghu is at his friend's house for a play date. So, he won't be back until later this afternoon. It's the perfect time to break it to Alia. She should be home anytime now.

Just as I'm about to get up to make some tea for myself, I hear the door unlock.

'Hey.' I said to my sister as she enters, placing the keys on the table.

'Hey.' she gave me a small smile. God, I missed my sister. I know she was right in front of me but, in reality, she wasn't. The person in front of me wassn't the Alia I used to know. The one who was full of life, like a ray of sunshine. This Alia is the total opposite.

'Tough day?' I asked her as she followed me to the kitchen.

'Nah, the usual. Just I'm a bit tired from all the travelling.' she said, taking a bottle of water out of the fridge and drinking some.

'I was about to make tea for me, want some?' I asked her, turning on the stove and keeping the vessel of water on it.

'That'd be great, thanks.' she said.

'Mention not.' I said before proceeding to make tea.

'I'll just go get freshen up.' Alia said, leaving the kitchen and going to her room.


By the time I was done making tea for both of us, Alia was already waiting for me at the dining table reading Raghu's progress card.

I totally forgot about that, hope the kid did good or else the plan will go down the drain.

'Here.' I said grabbing Alia's attention and handing her mug to her.

'He's doing really good.' Alia said, placing the card on the table and taking a sip.

'Yeah, he is. In fact, his teachers say he is even good at dancing.' I stated, trying to bring the topic to dance.

'That's good. I didn't know he was into dancing.' she said looking down, sadness filling her eyes.

'I didn't know either, I found out today when I went to his parent-teacher meeting.' I said and then regretted it. The thing is Alia doesn't have enough of time and her schedule doesn't quite match with the school meetings. Since I basically live with them and am Raghu's aunt I mostly attend the meetings. But this time she promised Raghu that she would be there. And well, she wasn't.

'But I thought it was on the 7th.' she said.

'Alia, today is the 7th.' I reminded her.

'I'm such a horrible mother, I can't even remember stuff related to my own son.' she said, placing the mug on the table.

'It's not your fault. You're busy with your work; even that's important.' I said, placing my hand on her shoulder.

'It's such a lame excuse that I use every time to get out of it.'

'Alia... 'I said and she looks up at me.

'Raghu must really hate me.' she said but, really, she was asking me.

'No, he doesn't. He can never hate you. You're his mother Alia and he's a smart boy. He knows what his mother is going through. He knows you're doing all this for him.' I reassured her.

'I want to spend more time with him, you know? Lately I feel like I'm neglecting him, you.. everyone.' she said, looking down.

'Alia, we understand.'

'Everything's messed up I don't know how I can make it up to him.' she said and then it clicked. This was the perfect moment.

'Actually, there is a way.' she looked up at me.

'There is? What is it?' she asked me.

'Well, you know that camp he is begging to go to.' I told her.

'I can't, that's... That's too far. I can't send him there.' she said.

'Come on! I am going with him.' I persuaded.

'But still, I don't know if it's a good idea. What if-' I cut her off mid-sentence.

'I will be there with him, besides this is a huge opportunity for him, don't you think?' I reasoned.

'It is but I can't stand him being so far away from me.' she said.

'It's just for a few weeks, trust me we'll be fine.'

'But.. ' she trailed off.

'I know you're worried, you're his mother. You're bound to be concerned but it's for his own good. He really wants to go there Alia.' I persuaded her.

'I guess you're right, he does need to live a little. His mother is a mess and I don't want him to be one too.' she said, giving me a sadistic smile.

'So... Is that a yes?' I asked her. She was in deep thought, still doubting whether to say yes or no. But when the words finally leave her mouth I was relieved.

'Yes' she said.

'Thank you so much Alia, he'll be so happy to hear this.' I said, hugging her.

'I know he will, at least he'll get a reason to like his mom.' she said and I give her a look.

'You know what? You break the good news to him.' I told her.

'Okay, his reaction is gonna be priceless' she agreed.

Finally, one step down. Only a hundred more to go. 

A/N: And so begins the real adventure! Raghu's about to meet Varun for the first time... how d'you think their meeting will go? 

Stay tuned to find out!

That's all for today, we'll see you all next Monday 

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