~My Perfect Imperfection~

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MissCris: So this is my one shot for XxdragonflyxX's contest. Hope you like my sexiness ;P

*My Perfect Imperfection*

The sounds of wood breaking resounds through the house from above. If it wasn't such an old and sturdy mansion it would have collapsed a long time ago from all the furniture that has been broken and thrown across rooms.

I shake my head and turn my face away from the upstairs landing.

"He's at it again then?" the housekeeper Mrs. Knolls asks.


She cringes as another earsplitting bang is heard, "If he keeps this up we'll have to get new furniture...again."

"This has to stop, Nana. He can't keep going like this." I sigh.

"I know dear, but when the young master gets into one of his moods no one can get through to him. He's depressed, it's only natural after what happened."

I scoff, "That was two years ago, and he gets like this every few months! We've already had to go and buy new furniture five times this year and it's only the third month in!"

"Shh, Anthony, he'll hear you." Nana reprimands.

"Please, Nana, you know as well as anyone that Thomas would never hurt me. We grew up together, we were best friends! Now everything's changed because of that stupid accident that he can't get over!"

Nana places her hand on my shoulder, "I know you blame yourself for not being there for him that day, Tony, but you can't do that. I also know that it hurts you that he rejects your help now but you need to understand that he lost a part of himself that day, quite literally a part of himself."

"It's not about me, Nana, it's about the fact that he's hurting himself and won't let anyone help." I say sounding defeated.

I know that partly it is about me. I do blame myself for not being there to help Thomas that day two years ago. He's my master after all, I should have been there. I'm supposed to be his right hand, the one person he can always count on for help.

Ever since my mother, a servant in the Callaway household, died during birth, I was raised by my Nana, Mrs. Knolls. She's not actually my grandmother but I love her just the same. From a young age I was allowed to play with Master Callaway's only son, his mother had passed away too, from cancer, four years after he was born. We became inseparable. No matter where he was going Tommy insisted that I come too and he always made sure that if he got something new, so did I.

I became like a brother to him, and he to me.

Then two years ago the accident happened and Thomas hasn't been the same. He never leaves his suite and barks at anyone who tries to get near him. He tries to control his temper when I'm around but recently he's been in a fouler mood than usual. I wish he would let me help him but he just pushes me away.

A loud and ferocious growl pulls me out of my thoughts as I pull away from Nana, startled. My eye fly to the second landing, Thomas is the only one there. He's locked in his room doign God knows what to God knows what.

"This can't keep happening." I whisper, shaking my head, "I have to do something."

Making up my mind I turn to the giant staircase that leads to the upper landing. My eyes travel up the many stairs and I place a hand on the railing. I hesitate, something tells me that if I go upstairs it'll be an irrevocable decision, and the consequences are ones that I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life.

The sounds of glass breaking makes me grip the railing harder and sprint up the stairs. I hear Nana yell out, "Anthony!"

I don't stop to think just run up to the landing and down the hall to the far end of the house. The hallways are all dark, Thomas hates the light, at least since the accident he does. He used to love going outside and spending the day basking in the sunlight.

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