Chapter 19

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Alex P.O.V.

I was concerned about John. He looked like he was going through a rough time. I should've been there for him.

We walked around the aquarium together. In the end we didn't find Herc and Laf and just ended up going home. I dropped Eliza off at her room and kissed her goodbye. Then I went back to my room.

Once I was there I could here sobs coming from behind the door. John.

I carefully opened the door and closed it again. As soon as I walked in the sobbing stopped and I saw him lying on his bed. I walked up to him and kneeled down.

“John? It's just me..hey what's wrong?”

No answer. I sighed.

“John, I can clearly see that something is wrong and I want to help you! Please...”

He shook his head, his face still burried in the pillow.

“There's nothing you can do...”

“You sure about that?”

“Yes. Please just let it go, I'll be over it eventually...”

“But John–”

“I said leave me alone, okay?! Man I just need some time for my own right now...”

He stood up and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Okay something was up and needed to be fixed. The only question left now was how? He said he wanted to be I guess I have no other option, but to give him what he asked for. Some alone-time.

––Time skip brought to you by fluffy bunnies––

It has been 5 months now since Eliza and I started dating. We were pretty happy together actually. Even if I have to say that we fell into some kind of routine. I studied intensely every day from Monday to Thursday, Friday I was out with John, Laf and Herc and on the weekend she and I met up, buying coffee, taking walks. I'd dare to say that it was getting pretty boring over time.

Speaking of John, he was doing a little better than a few months ago I think. At least it seemed like he did. He never opened up to me about it...but that was okay. Because I had my best friend with me and we were having fun sharing our dorm room. He cooked for us when I was studying and I did the same when he studied, which was mostly the case on the weekends. Sometimes Eliza joined us, but I felt like John was a little uncomfortable with that, so that didn't happen often. I'm sure he didn't like too much company while being stressed. So it was okay.

Today was Saturday, which meant I was going out with Eliza. I picked her up from her room and we walked to the coffee shop where we went every saturday morning, since that was the place where and the day when we got together. On the way we didn't talk much, just walked hand in hand to the shop. There was nothing to talk about. It was really warm outside. I loved summer.

When we got there we sat down and ordered our coffee.

“'re coming to our party next week right?” She asked after another few minutes of silence had passed.

“Yeah, I can't wait! I mean a party is always a great way to celebrate the begin of summerbreak, isn't it?”

She nodded a little.

“Yes, I think so too. I'm sure it's going to be fun...”

This time I nodded and it was silent again. It was like this since two months. Like I said, I was getting bored by it.



“I think we should talk...about us...”

She wanted to talk about us? Maybe that would be a good idea...

“Yeah...what do you want to talk about?”

She hesitated, looked to the side and then back to me.

“I was thinking that... maybe we should take a break from each other...”

Was she breaking up with me?

“I-I mean...I really like you, I do! But...just look at us...we're not getting anywhere...we're stuck. We can't even talk about anything anymore, everything has already been said and...maybe it would be good to take a break...”

I nodded a little.

“I can be honest I...feel the same way Eliza...You're such an amazing person, I like you very much as well. But a break would maybe a good idea...”

She nodded as well, looking down on the table.

“I'm sorry, I -I really needed to get this off my chest...Wow it feels so sad and reliefing at the same time...” she giggled, her voice a little shakey. Then she whiped away a little tear.

I rushed to her side and hugged her. She hugged back.

It really felt reliefing...but I would lie if I said it didn't make me upset.

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