
3 1 0

???: hi my name is I.U I'm 20 years old from here my hobbies are: singing,dancing,and reading.
*smiles cutely* and I hope we became friends

???: hi my name is Dahyun I'm 20 years old from here too my hobbiesare:singing,dancing,rapping reading too and I hope we became friends *gum smile*

???: hi my name is Irene I'm 20 years old my hobbies are: singing,dancing and writing songs Oh and I hope we became friends *box smile*

You: now it's my turn hi my name is Lee Y/N I'm 20 Y.O and my hobbies are:
singing,dancing,playing guitar,piano,reading and studiying. *bell rings*

Dahyun: hey Y/N what's your next class?

You: oh me english class why?

Dahyun,I.U&Irene: great were in the same class!!!

We walked to the english class and said.......

You,I.U,Irene&Dahyun: great the teacher was not here *laughs*

We walked our seats then the teacher came and said......

???: hi Y/N my name is Mr.Jeon and intruduce yourself now.

I intruduce

-time skips-


You: yay! Goodbye Irene,I.U and Dahyun!

Irene and I.U go home and I was about to go home but....

Dahyun: ok bye but first give me your number and I'll give it to Irene and I.U!

You: ok here ***********

Dahyun: ok thank you bye I'll text you the numbers of Irene and I.U!

You: ok bye!!!

I bid a goodbye to Dahyun and walked until I reached my house then I go in and said...........

You: hello eomma where's appa?

Mom: maybe he's still at work.

You: oh ok!

I ran upstairs and do my homework when I was done my phone rings someone is calling me and then I answer the call the call and said.........

-at the phone call-

You: yoboseyo? Nu go seyo? (((Hello? Who's this?)))

???: it's me Dahyun can I come to your house tommorow?

You: sure why not?

Dahyun: ok give your house address.

You: ok here ******

Dahyun: ok thanks bye!

You: alright bye!

I hung up the phone and.........



I ran downstairs and greeted
appa and..........

Mom: sooo how's your school is it good? did you meet your unnie?

Eomma said while eating said while eating.

You: ne eomma (((yes mom)))
and I make friends so so so fast!!!

Mom: wow very good soo did you do your homework?

You: ne eomma I'm done doing that and then you said the lunch is ready.

Dad: oh ok now go to your room and sleep now because your going to late for school!

You: arraseo appa (((ok dad))) and thanks for the dinner eomma and appa (((mom and dad))).

I ran upstairs then I take a shower and change my clothes to pj's then I text Dahyun and I said...

-at the phone texting Dahyun-

You: why did you asked that you were going to our house? *sends*


Dahyun: secret no clue 🤐 and
wake up early pleaseeee 🙏🙏🙏🙏

You: ok ok ok ok goodnight see you tommorow at class bye*sends*


Dahyun: goodnight sweet dreams!

You: you too nyt nyt *sends*

I send to Dahyun my last messege before going to sleep and then my eyes going heavier and heavier until I go to sleep.......

-to be continiued-

I'm so so so sorry if this chapter is short but please tell me if this chapter is not good and tell me please rate my story comment and Love ya! (^-^)

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