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Dahyun's P.O.V
I was planning to make (Y/N) preetty and hot soo I planned to call her and that I said that soo let the game begin

End of Dahyun's P.O.V

I woke up because of my alarm clock and prepare my breakfast because eomma went to my appa's office because they will meet appa's bussines partner I'm praparing my breakfast and someone knoked to the door so I opened it and then I see Dahyun and said....

Dahyun: hey girl come on now finish that and shower ppali! (((quickly or faster)))

You: ok I'm done I'll shower now wait for me.

Dahyun: arasseo arasseo ppali
(((ok ok quickly or faster)))

With that I quickly walk to the bathroom and quickly dry my body with towel and then.......

Dahyun: here suit this.

You: ok!

Then she remove my glasses and put eye contacts then start to do my make-up and I change my clothes


You: WOW! Is this me???

Dahyun: yes that's you.

Dahyun: ok now let's go before were going to be late!

Then we talked and walked umtil we reacced the school and said....

I.U&Irene: hey we hate you and nice dress (Y/N)!

You: thx (^-^)

Dahyun: ok let's go!

When we walked in all the boys are looking at me and even the most popular boys in school called BTS then I walked to my locker and bid a goodbye to I.U,Dahyun&Irene then I get my books and I closed it but little did I know thet someone is following me and said........

???: yah what's your first class?

Then I turn around then who did I see? I see 7 BOYS infront of me and I said.......

You: none of your bussiness and by the why don't you flirt with your girls? huh?

I said in madly so the guys you are very cofused right now that I know them ok lets


Ok sooo before I can enroll the pricipal said ..........

Principal: ok you may go now and tommorow will be your first day oh wait (Y/N) don't be friends with the group called BTS ok?

You: ok! Goodbye!

-end of flashback-

???: huh? How do you know that we are the playboys and popular?

You: none of your fuc**** bussiness bithes and not today!

-to be continiued-

Sooo I'm so so so sorry guys if this chapter is SHORT and LOVE YA! (^-^)

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