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 And I see..BTS! I turned to I.U glaring, I know she saw that but pretending that she didn't..

You: Yah! Eonnie! Why did you call those jerks!?

I.U: I mean, why not?...oh! Sit here!
*she says to me while whispering and when BTS or should I call them 'jerk' she speaks 'innocently' you know, I think it's not innocent..hihi*

I was eating suddenly, someone stole my meat, it better not what I who it was..and It's Dahyun, I knew it!

You: Yah! Dahyun! Give my meat back!

Dahyun: No!

She said, and was about to eat it.

You: Give it back, or else..

When I said 'or else' I just looked at her, and the BTS was scared of that? I can see that in the corner of my eyes, even my eonnies except, Dahyun. She's my childhood bestfriend back then, but my parents chose to let me study at Japan, I finish my elementary there in Japan then, we came back.

This is our sitting arrangement:


And infront is BTS.

Dahyun: Fine, here you go..but save a a little piece for me, please?

She said with puppy eyes.

You: Fine..

I cutted the half of it and gave it to her the other piece if the meat and she gladly ate it. And I think we're the only one talking, all of them were scared.

You: Guys, if you're scared of me, it's ok now, you can talk.

All of them(except You&Dahyun): *sigh* I thought you're going to eat Dahyun with that glare.

Dahyun: Ofc not, she's my childhood bestfriend, oh btw (Y/N) do you remember the boy that you almost got suspended because you're protecting me from him, I still remember his reaction!

She chuckled.

You: Oh yeah, that boy! Puhahahahaha!

We both burst out of laughing while all of them are clueless.

You: *laughs* ahh, jjinjja, (((really))) I still remember that day..

You&Dahyun: Because his reaction is priceless! Puhahaha!

We both laugh again. The others are staring at us, wierdly.

You: If you've got some questions to us, please proceed...

I said, because I know that they got some questions.

Sorry for doing that guys! It's just short! I'm sorry! Because, my friend said that our coach and captain is canceling our 1 week rest for Karate, Tiring right? Yeah, I know. Byeeeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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