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"(Y/N) remember you have to be ready for this evening, the King has invited us to dinner and you must look presentable."

"Yes father." Was my simple reply as i made my way up to my room.

You know, i never understood what was so great about our king; not that i would ever say that out loud for fear of getting my head cut off or something.

You see im the daughter and only child of nobles which means occasionally the King will invite us to have dinner at his castle.
I always hated going to these dinners, it's all basically a bunch of other nobles kissing the kings ass none stop until he kicks everyone out.


As we arrived at the castle there were people greeting us at the door and gave us instructions on where to go.
We were waiting in a main room just outside the big doors of the dinning room. I sat on a couch with my parents and watched as more people began to show up and start conversating with each other.
For the majority of that time spent waiting, i just stared at the floor daydreaming.
I was snapped out of my day dream by someone who's laugh was obnoxiously loud, i looked up to see who it was that did that and of course was unable to tell; there was maybe 40-50 people here in this room.

As i was looking around a peculiar character had caught my eye. While i was observing this person i noticed he had some sort of clown make up on, paired with a hat, a red coat and carried some sort of cane. He must be the King's jester, wonder why I've never seen him before.

The realization that i had been staring too long had hit me when i noticed that he was staring back at me.
His stare was intense, almost intimidating. We stared back at each other for a few seconds which felt like minutes until every one was quieted by a loud horn.

"Attention attention everyone! The King is now ready for you to enter the dinning room, right this way."
The man said while two other men opened the two large doors.
As everyone was flooding in i realized i couldn't see the jester anymore.
My parents and i were one of the last people to enter the room when all of a sudden i was grabbed by my arm and pulled aside into a hall way.
There was a hall way right by the doors to the dining room.
I was confused and startled until i saw who it was.
It was the jester.
We stood there and looked at each other, i was against the wall and his hand still holding my arm.
It seemed as though he was about to speak until a loud "AHEM" startled the both of us.

"(Y/N)!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT CLOWN! GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" My father shouted, catching the attention of a few of the king's servants who then escorted the jester away from me.

He kept his eyes locked with mine as the were moving him away until i was again pulled by the arm by my father this time.
"(Y/N) i dont ever want to see you associating with a peasent, let alone a jester. Don't let me see that again do you hear me?"

I just nodded to shut him up and followed him to a seat next to my mother.

The dinner of course went as usual, a bunch of snobby old people kissing the King's ass hoping to get something out of it but never do. The King himself however, never spoke; atleast not in front of the public.

The night went on and on until it was getting around the time where the king wanted everyone to leave.

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