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~I'll keep you safe with all my power, I will build you a tower~

When I awoke this time I was in the middle of a small clearing in the forest of palm trees and Johannes was gone again. I tried to stand up to go looking for him once more, but when I tried to get up I discovered that I was tied to a tree.

I began to panic, wondering how I had gotten tied up and where Johannes was.

Is someone else on the island? Are they the ones who tied me up and have taken Johannes?

My thoughts of panic were eased when I saw Johannes step out of the trees.

"Oh thank goodness you're here! Someone tied me up and I was worried that they've done something to you. Can you untie me?"

I was met with a harsh "No."

"W-why not?"

"Because I'm the one who tied you up." He grinned as if this was okay.

"Why would you do that!? Untie me right now."

He just laughed and turned around, ignoring me.

I was in shock, this was not the nice Jester that I met before. This was someone I was unfamiliar with.

"Johannes what is going on? I came here with you because you said I would be safe."

"And you will be safe, I'll keep you safe with all my power." He said "I will build you a tower."

After that he walked away from me, leaving me alone once more.

Tower (Johannes Eckerström)Where stories live. Discover now