Part XI

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Kai had managed to fill every crevice of my mind in the passing days. It had gotten to a point where I just had to accept the fact that I had some kind of crush on him and that it was no longer just innocent curiosity. But that was just on my end and it was hard for me to tell what he was thinking or feeling about me on his end. At the very least, it didn't seem like he found me to be a nuisance, but that wasn't exactly an indicator of anything stronger.

Then at other moments, I asked myself why I was so worried about it. Even if we did share similar feelings, it wasn't like we'd start dating. If he wasn't willing to date Taemin, then I was sure it would be no different with me. Plus, if Suho ever found out, he'd either rat us to our parents or find a way to make Kai's life a living hell--neither of which I wanted to happen.

I was working on a paper for school when I heard a knock on my door. I had barely turned around when it opened and Suho walked in.

"We're going out for dinner. Want to come?" he asked. After a brief moment of thought, I shook my head, saying I had to finish my paper. "You can't stay mad at us forever, Kyungsoo," he added with a sigh, stepping another foot inside. "You're the one who tried to run away instead of talking to us."

"Like that would have made any difference," I replied with a quick roll of my eyes. "Also, for the millionth time, I didn't run away. I needed some air."

I could feel him staring at me. "So then how long are you going to give us the silent treatment, huh?" he questioned.

"Until I can look at you without being filled with rage. Don't hold your breath," I said, looking at him for only a second before turning my attention back to my work. 

He sighed again. "Whatever, do what you want. We'll be here whenever you're ready to stop being so dramatic," he said as he shut my door pretty loudly. 

Sighing heavily, I shook my head and tried to just stay focused on my paper. I just couldn't, though. How could he not understand the reason I was upset? Was his head that far up his own ass?

Deciding it wouldn't be a good idea to do schoolwork angry, I saved what I had typed out so far and shut my laptop. I knitted my eyebrows when an idea entered my mind and sat back in my chair. Was it a good idea? Maybe it wasn't, but I figured I wouldn't know until I tested it. Perhaps it would even get me the answers to all the questions I had. So, I stood up and walked over to my bed, grabbing my phone so I could text Baekhyun

From: Baekhyun
In the apartments not too far from the park. 8th floor 209, I think. Why?
Sent: 5:33 p.m.

To: Baekhyun
No reason. Thanks :)
Sent: 5:34 p.m.

From: Baekhyun
Okay then lol. Let me know if you get lost
Sent: 5:37 p.m.

I went down to the kitchen immediately after I saw Baekhyun's last text come through and got to work right away. I was a little impatient when the waiting part came, but it was worth it when I saw they had turned out just like they did before. Once they were finished and neatly packed away in a container, I carefully put the container in a bag and then left the house.

I couldn't help but glance down at the bag as I walked, trying to make sure it wasn't swinging around too much. Once I saw the park, I figured the apartment building couldn't be too far away. Sure enough, a few minutes later, I saw the building. There was a large entrance on either side of the complex, so I went in the left one, hoping it was the correct one. I spotted an elevator and it took me to the 8th floor. My heart began to pound as I walked down, my eyes scanning each of the doors for 209. It was the third to last door, and I stopped and took a moment to collect myself before I knocked on the door.

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