Chapter 2

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Hope y'all are enjoying might update twice today
-rewinding to yesterday-
*phone rings*
"Hello"I say
"meet us by the alley next to the hospital in 5 min" My friend Zach replies
"I'm on my way" I said
"Ok come alone and bring them" Zach said

As I walked out of my apartment I check my calendar and realize it's the first day of school today so I hurry a bit up to get to class early for the first day
*arrives at alley*
My friend Zach waves at me and 3 people are with him
"Do you have the thing" Zach asked
"Yea it's gonna cost you $20" I said
"here" Zach said handing me the money

I look around to make sure no police is around but once I'm looking around this one girl caught my attention. Who is she. I look back before she notices I'm staring at her for too long which isn't my fault she's really pretty, but it was too late she caught me and now I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm a creep.
I turn around and walk away from the group
I walk back home and decide not to go to school which is gonna piss my mom off even more than when she found out this summer I was a drug dealer.
Authors Note:
-Next chapter will be about why he became a drug dealer
-hope y'all are enjoying and sorry I'm not writing long chapters
-comment your thoughts bout the book

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