Chapter 4

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Comment if I should start updating every-day

*Bell rings*
I walk out of my last class and call my mom to see if she's on her way
*phone rings for a couple of seconds*
"Hey mom where are you" I asked
"I'm not gonna be able to make it I'll be home at 8:00 pm ok" she responds quickly and ends the call before I can say ok.

I'm walking home and on the other side of the sidewalk I notice luke the strange boy I seem to think looks familiar so I call him out and say "hey" I yell
As class ends I'm on my way home while I'm walking I start hearing this voice from the other side of the sidewalk so I look too my left and see Ivy with her cute smile waving and running to my side of the sidewalk
"Hey" I say with a surprised look
"So you live by here" Ivy asks
"Yea not that far away from school just a 10 min walk" I respond
"Cool so how's the 2nd day of school going for ya " she says
"Eh it's alright" I say smiling looking at her
"Why you looking at me like that" she asks with a confused look
"Nah nothing" I respond
"Tell me" she asks then punches me lightly on the side of my arm
"Fine, it's just cute that you wanna know everything about me" I say sarcastically laughing
"I don't" she says laughing
"Well this is my house hey we should hang out soon" I say
"Yeah we should , what's ur number" she asks,

I right away get a smile when she asks me for my number as I say my number, we say our goodbyes and she starts walking her own separate way, I walk inside and see my dad just laying in the couch wasted with beer cans laying around the floor I pick up after him and head upstairs

I lay in my bed not being able to stop thinking about her but I can't have her she would never accept me and I would be putting her life at danger. I then slowly start falling asleep with all my thoughts
*Next day*
I head to school and see my best friend Alex talking with a group of friends
"Hey Alex" I said
"Hey Ives we were just talking about that mysterious guy over there" she points at this guy over there
"What's his name" I ask
"Supposedly people are saying his name is Jonah Marais" Alex says
"Oh" I respond
*Bell rings*
I start heading to class and hear someone screaming my name so I turn around .....
Authors Note:
Took me forever to think of ideas for this chapter but whatever I hope you enjoyed this chapter comment who you think was yelling out Ivy's name and plz vote luv y'all and have a good ass day beautiful's 💗💗💗

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