Chapter 3

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*Next day*
I was on my way to school, but I couldn't get her off my mind cuz like damb she was hella pretty. but I knew she would never date someone like me (drug dealer).

All of a sudden hear my name called out

"Luke wait" Sandra said running
"oh hey you on your way to school"
I replied with a dumb question like ofc she's on her way to school
"Yeah , you excited" she asked
"Nah not really as you usually know I'm not really into the whole learning" I replied

we arrived at school the whole walk over there was very silent and awkward . We went our separate ways since we didn't have the same classes
*looks at schedule*
Great math first I sarcastically say and roll my eyes
*walks to math class*
I arrive to my math class and notice the teacher giving assigned seats
"Luke o' Brien you sit here" the teacher says and points to a seat all the way in the back next to this empty seat.
I sit down and look down at my phone looking if somebody texted me as I shut my phone down I look up and realize that the girl that just entered was the girl I was staring at yesterday I hear the teacher say "you sit next to that guy over there with the grey sweater"

I look away but then with her sweet voice she says "hey I'm Ivy you" she asks
"I'm Luke" I respond nervously hoping she doesn't remember me

Authors Note:
Hope you enjoyed this new chapter next chapter till Monday might update again today and comment if you want to be in the book or any suggestions about the book

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