The call

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Alex Pov.

I was at my desk, everything was going great.

Hidan's mouth was free and he has been cursing like a sailor but not when Cody's around.

It's been a while now since the 'garden' accident and the new plants and Zetsu have been thriving.

The others have been on their best behavior lately and my 'vacation' is going great.

But....the money income has been dropping faster than it has been growing and that was not good. The amount of food the Akatsuki eat is not to be underestimated. The amount of clothing hey ruin when they 'spar' is also a pain in the butt.

So here I am at my desk, looking at the amount of money I have left and for what it has been used and stuff. I frowned at the number, I need more money income.

I picked up my phone and called Cindy, she's the owner of a modeling company and a good friend. Whenever I need an extra job she's the one to call.

"Hello?!" I smiled when she picked up, but she sounded a little panicked.

"Cindy? It's Alex, I was wondering if you have another job for me?" I asked and heard her shouting at someone on the other line.

"James! This is a shoot, not soccer practice! Annie! Get those arms in the air!" I blinked at her shouting at other models and gulped thinking she's going to be too busy.

"I'm so glad you called sweetheart! I need more models and pronto, the last few months it's been the same people and you needed some time off so I didn't want to bother you....but here you are calling and yes! I have a job and if you have some friends that are models or at least look like models, oh who am I kidding just people! Bring them I'll pay extra!" She shouted desperately.

I blinked at her and then smiled, I do have some model material right at home....

"Actually....i do have some people in mind." I said and I could hear the happiness in her voice.

"Really? Who?" she asked and I smiled at her.

1 hour later.

The Akatsuki was assembled as well as Cody in the living room with Alex in front of the tv looking around at everyone.

"Okay, I have been looking at my income and the amount of money we have been spending on food and clothing." I said and some nodded and some looked bored.

"I'm losing money faster then I'm getting it and even if we have been getting some for 'free' (She found out that Itachi used his Sharingan for free food, she was not amused but saved a lot so she didn't mind it as much) so I'll need to ask you all for a favor." I said and they all looked at me a little worried.

"Alex, are you going to ask them to leave?" Cody asked and I rose an eyebrow.

"I'm so sorry about that Alex-chan! Please don't kick us out!" Toby screamed and I sweat dropped.

"I could get us more stuff for free." Itachi said and I blinked at him.

"I'll keep the money in check from now on." Kakuzu said and they all began to discuss like they are discussing a mission and some bickering.

"I'm not going to kick anyone out!" I shouted and they stopped and looked at me.

"I contacted a good friend, Cindy. She runs a modeling company and I asked for extra jobs and she said she needs extra models soo....." I said and looked at everyone expectantly.

"*gasp* You want us to model?" Konan jumped up from her seat with a big smile, I smiled back at her.

"Yeah! With all of us combined we won't have to worry about money for at least a few more months and we can even afford to go around a little more and even take a vacation somewhere." I said and we both looked very pleased.

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