Chapter 13

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arry watched as Mr. Walsh finally gestured for George to take a seat, the class room was by no means full so there were more than a few seats to choose from but to his horror he watched as Niall raised a hand to beckon the new boy over, only for Louis to stomp on the blonde’s foot, bless his heart and shake his head when Niall sent him a questioning look.  

Liam too looked like he was about to ask the boy to sit with them but, thought better of it when he spied the way Louis’ eyes were narrowed uninvitingly in George’s direction. With his plan now aborted, Niall was left to turn back to the new arrival and pout as he watched George make his way down the aisle of desks. Harry finally let out the breath he hadn’t even realized he was holding.

Then to Harry’s surprise George approached their little group and he frowned because he really didn’t want this new kid sharing any of his friends, Zayn—his roommate especially but because this technically wasn’t his group he knew he didn’t really have a say. Luckily Zayn shook his head pointedly at George’s approach, pitching his thumb towards the back of the room.

“Keep it movin’ Georgie.” Harry had never been more grateful for Zayn and Lou’s exclusiveness as he watched George sulk further down the aisle, headed either for The Wanted’s cluster of desks or to sit alone when someone finally spoke up, taking pity on the transfer.

“Reckon you can sit with us” A kid with big doe eyes and a charming smile said, Harry didn’t know much about him aside from his name, which was Jamie and that he sat with two other lads one Harry recognized from the last night’s fight in the caf: JJ and a broody looking fella who could be found more often than not with headphones on ignoring the world: Josh. Needless to say George didn’t hesitate to join them with a beaming smile that made Harry sick—it was so goddamn endearing and worst of all Niall couldn’t seem to take his eyes off him.


Of course George would be in their gym class and of course Niall would offer to take the new kid down and hook him up with a uniform ‘like I did with Harry, Siva’. Niall ignored a stretching Harry as he passed him, headed for the locker room with George in tow, though he had to feel Harry’s eyes boring into his back, he just had to.

Harry went through the motions of warming up, but his mind was elsewhere noting how long it seemed to be taking Niall and George, wondered if it had taken Niall and himself this long. He was honestly about to suggest that coach send someone down after them when the two boys in question finally emerged. Niall cackling loudly while George blushed, smile a mile wide, in return.

The Cheshire native couldn’t help but eye the two for any telltale signs that George had received the same welcome to Mount Serenity treatment that he had his first day of classes. Looked for flushed skin, rumpled clothes…he zeroed in on Niall’s mouth, looking to see if it were anymore pink and swollen then it usually was from sucking someone off. He was relieved to see that it wasn’t. Harry was comforted by that fact at least, but not by much.

Niall was still ignoring him and had called George to guard in today’s basketball scrimmage and he was even more handsy with the blushing new kid then he had been with Harry. 

The taller boy huffed in anger and decided to focus on trying not to trip over his own pigeon-toed feet and half ass tried a hand at actuallyguarding Omar which he was completely rubbish at, before he knew it Coach Siva was blowing the whistle to end the class period and sending everyone to the showers.

Once down in the locker room Harry took his time changing out of his uniform, and instead watched Niall and George from beneath his sweaty fringe. Watched at the blonde stood entirely too close to the bashful babe, speaking in that raspy hushed tone that had literally made Harry’s toes curl the first time he’d used it on him. He didn’t have the faintest idea what Niall was whispering but if the alarming shade of pink George was turning was any indication it wasn’t something you said to polite company over tea.

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