Chapter 17

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Harry must’ve sat there still mostly in his sweaty uniform (save for the shorts and briefs around his knees) in disbelief for a good ten minutes before a determined look suddenly etched itself on his face and before he could think about what he was doing he climbed to his feet, toeing off his trainers and shimmying his hips until his shorts and pants were off completely. He shucked his shirt to the ground as well before he was marching up to the only shower cubicle in use and much like he’d done days earlier he slipped under the spray of water just behind the blonde who made a surprised sound at the unexpected company.

With suds from his shampoo dripping down his forehead and into his eyes Niall had no choice but remain blind to what Harry was doing and could only hiss a faint ‘there are other cubicles you know curly’ in a playful tone. The taller boy ignored him and without any warning he moved forward pressing his lips harshly onto the blonde’s before the other boy could react.

Niall gasped against his lips but remained otherwise still, allowing Harry to draw closer, his hands clenching into fists at his side because he didn’t dare touch the other boy anywhere but on the mouth and risk ruining the moment.

They stood there Harry kissing Niall and the shorter boy not really kissing him back but not pushing him away either and Harry found himself moaning despite the fact that the kiss was little more than the innocent touch of two mouths but the Irish boy’s lips were just as soft and smooth as he’d imagine and as he flicked his tongue out he groaned at the sweet taste of Niall’s lips—a mix of soap that must’ve dripped down and the cherry chapstick the blonde was partial too, but beneath all that there was a sweetness that Harry knew was unique to Niall alone and he couldn’t get enough of it.

Niall made a thoughtful noise in the back of his throat which only encouraged Harry to move to deepen the kiss but before he could the blonde finally did pull away with an amused smile now ghosting over his lips.

“Huh.” He said simply and ducked under the spray to finally rinse the shampoo from his hair and eyes. Harry watched him utterly stunned.

“That’s all; I mean was it as bad as you’d imagined?”

“Who says I imagined kissing you to be bad, or imagined kissing you at all?”

“The fact that you’ve avoided doing so until now maybe?” Niall just shrugged

“Just trying to keep things casual between us Haz, but it wasn’t bad at all…this definitely makes things a little more interesting that’s for sure.”

“Does it? I mean so we can do it again sometime?”

“We’ll see, but for now could you do me a solid?”

“Sure.” Harry breathed out, his voice lower and noticeably huskier as he stepped in even closer so that they were nearly touching. He could even feel a heat rise within him that was sure to start showing at any minute.

“Go find your own shower yeah; I’m trying to get cleaned before the hot water decides to turn itself off.” Harry‘s face fell, turning red to the tips of his ear as he stepped away once more and turned to climb out of the stall, stuttering as he went:

“Oh right, I’ll just…shit.” He nearly slipped in his haste, taking the shower curtain and rod down with him as he clung to it for dear life luckily the rod held under his weight and saved him any further embarrassment at he finally left Niall’s cubicle and ducked into his own a few showers away.


The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully with Louis opting to sit at his group’s usual table but he still shot Max suggestive winks and the universal gesture for blowjob by putting his fist up to one cheek while poking his tongue into the other simultaneously when he thought no one was looking.

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