Everyone gets depressed at some point in their life

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Aryse sits on the bathroom floor, his knees up to his chest and his head down. His head throbbing from crying so much. He stands up and walks back to his room. He lays down on his bed and cries himself to sleep.
"Aryse? Time to get up.", Kay opens the door and steps inside. She walks over to his bed. "Aryse!" Aryse lifts up his head and sighs.
"Tell my father I don't feel well and that I won't be going to school today." Aryse lays back down. Kay nods and leaves his room.
Lyra stands by her locker, Addison beside her. They're waiting for Aryse to make his entrance, but its past the time he usually walks in. Something is not right..
"Hm this is weird.. Where is he?", says Lyra.
"I don't know.. Maybe he's sick?", Addy adds.
"Maybe.. I hope he's okay."
Sadie walks to class when Aryse doesn't come in. The students in the hall move onto class too.
The week goes on and still no Aryse.. Lyra starts to worry. She decides to ask Hayden about him.
"I don't know. He hasn't been answering my texts." Hayden says.
"Oh.. Okay sorry for bothering you. Um could I have his number?..", she asks nervously.
"Yeah sure. Let me see your phone."
Lyra hands him her phone, he types in Aryse's number and hands it back to her. "Thanks." Lyra smiles.
"You're welcome." Hayden smiles back.
Later that night, Lyra tries texting Aryse.
Hey. This is Lyra.. I was just checking on you. Everyone at school is worried. She hesitates before pushing send. A few minutes later, her phone dings. Its Aryse..
Hey.. I'm fine. Thanks for asking
She smiles at the text.
Are you sure? I'm here for you if you need anything. Texting him was much easier than actually talking to him.
Thanks.. I'm just..feeling a bit down rn.
Anything I can do to help? Hoping he doesn't get annoyed she decides to try to cheer him up.
Well.. You're the only person who has bothered to check on me. That means a lot. Thank you.
Lyra smiles. You're welcome. Do you need to talk about anything?
No I'm okay. I promise. Everyone gets depressed at some point in their life..
Lyra smiles again, hearing that he's okay. Will you be at school on Monday?
Yes 😊 goodnight Lyra Tate I will see you at school on Monday.
Smiling, Lyra texts back. Goodnight Aryse Baylor
Lyra puts her phone on her bed table, lays down and closes her eyes. Happy that she texted him, she fell asleep smiling knowing that she helped him.

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