The Apology

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3 months have passed. In those three months, Lyra didn't wake up yet. Aryse and Hayden have become closer in their relationship and Addison and Sadie have become friends. They all have taken into thought that Lyra isn't going to be out anytime soon, so they have all moved on. Aryse did write his apology letter for Lyra. He has it put away in box under his bed. Hoping one day he gets to give it to her, he refuses to throw it away. Hayden clinging closer than ever to Aryse is always there to remind him that he doesn't need to worry and that Lyra is going to be okay. Addison spends her time with Sadie, shopping and everything else they do as friends. During all this time, none of them ever took into thought that Lyra could wake up at any moment.

"You know it's been three months right? A lot has changed since your accident."
"Yeah.. I know. I just hope everything will be the same.." Lyra is sitting at the kitchen table. "I hope they haven't forgot about me.. and Addison.."
"I'm sure that haven't forgotten about you hunny."
"Yeah.. I hope not."
"So don't forget about tonight's plans, Aryse! You left me hanging yesterday." Hayden and Aryse are sitting at a table in the cafeteria.
"Yeah, about that I told you my dad scheduled me for a last minute photo shoot cus one of the other models got sick or something.. I don't know but I'm sorry and I won't forget about tonight." He kisses Hayden's cheek.
"Hey lover boys."
"Hey Addy." Sadie clears her throat. "And Sadie." Aryse rolls his eyes and they all start laughing.
"So have you heard anything about Lyra recently?" Hayden asks Addy.
"Not in a while." she replies.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom I'll be back." Aryse gets up and leaves the cafeteria. Once in the hallway he sees her.. she sees him..
"Hi Aryse." She goes into the principals office. Aryse walks back to the cafeteria very quickly.  He sits back down by Hayden without saying a word.
"Whoa, you alright, Air?" Hayden asks. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."
"I-I saw her.."
"Who?!" Everyone says.
"Ah! So glad to have you back!!" Addy hugs Lyra tight. "A lot has happened since you've been gone. Sadie is kinda cool now. And Aryse and Hayden are..uh.."
"A couple now. Yeah I figured." Lyra and Addy are sitting on Lyra's floor. "I kinda figured they would be sooner or later.."
"Lyra, I'm sorry.. If I knew Aryse was mad at you I wouldn't have left you alone with him. I-"
"It's alright. It's not your fault."
"So are you mad at him?"
"Hell yes I'm mad, but it would be childish to let him know that I am. I don't have to talk to him and I won't. Not until I get a sincere apology from him. I mean all of it was his fault anyway."
"Okay but no one told you to go and try to kill yourself, Lyra! Just because Aryse said what he did doesn't mean you go and do something so stupid." Addy pulls at a string on the carpet. "I was so scared that I was going to lose my best friend.."
"Addy I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I wasn't thinking.. I-I was in love with Aryse. He meant a lot to me and to hear him say that to my just broke me I guess. I lost what I thought I'd always have.. even if we never date I always thought I'd have him as friend. I was wrong.. and I was being selfish when I thought about making me care by taking the pills.." Lyra takes a deep breath and lets it out. "These past three months has he even asked about me?.. Asked about how I'm doing?"
Addy looks up at Lyra. "He wouldn't shut up about you. He asked me how you were doing everyday at lunch."
"That's nice to know.." Lyra sighs.
"Look, I'm sure he's going to apologize. I mean he seemed to be broken while you were gone."
"I saw him in the hallway today while heading to the office to check back into school.. He said my name and all I thought about was the last thing he said to me so I just said hi back and went into the office. I still love him but he hurt me and I'll never forget the words he said to me." Lyra stands up. "Enough of this. You promised me ice cream."
"Omg you heard that?" Addy bursts out laughing, and so does Lyra.
"I was half conscious duh I heard you."
Addy facepalms her forehead. "Oh god. I need to check next time before I speak." They both start laughing again. Addy grabs Lyras hand. "Let's go."
"And all you said was her name?" Hayden and Aryse are sitting at a table in the local ice cream shop.  "Damn, Aryse. You need to practice talking to girls you hurt."
Aryse slaps his hand down on the table. "You try talking to a girl who tried to kill herself because of you!"
"Calm down buddy I was just saying. Anyway I'm sure once you give her that letter everything will be-... Incoming.."
Aryse looks behind him to see Lyra and Addy walking in. He makes eye contact with Addy.
"Uh maybe this was a bad idea.." Addy pushes Lyra to look in the boys' direction.
"Ah perfect. Let's sit on the opposite side of them." Lyra grabs Addy'd hand and they head over to the table opposite the boys.
Hayden coughs as they walk by and Aryse kicks him from under the table.
"Shut up!" Aryse whispers to Hayden.
Hayden laughs. "Easy, Aryse. Don't make a scene." Hayden winks at him and Aryse rolls his eyes.
"Hey can we talk."
"L-Lyra.. uh sure." Aryse starts to get up and Hayden starts to follow.
"Alone." Lyra puts her hand up to stop Hayden.
"Okay." Hayden sits back down.
Lyra turns to head outside, Aryse following behind her.
"Lyra I'm so sor-"
"Hush. Let me talk. Tell me what the hell was your problem that day in the hallway?! Why would you say something like that to me?!"
"Lyra I-"
"Don't lie, Aryse. I want the truth!"
"I'm in love with Hayden; I was just afraid that my feelings for you were going to get in the way of my relationship with him and I thought that by telling you, you wouldn't be so hurt.."
"Oh bullshit, Aryse! You could have said a better choice of words!" Lyra begins to tear up and she turns so Aryse won't see. 
Aryse moves closer to her and puts his arms around her, his hands on her sides. "Hey I'm really sorry.. please don't cry. Tell me how I can make this up to you. Please."
Lyra turns around. She's close enough to feel his hot breath and feel the rise and fall of his chest. "Kiss me, Aryse.."
Aryse backs up and takes his hands off of her. "Lyra, I-I'm sorry but I can't.. I have Hayden.."
Lyra puts her head down. "Right I'm sorry.."
"Actually.." Aryse grabs Lyra and pulls her to him. He kisses her hard and then pulls away. "You're welcome." He walks back into the shop.
"Shh! You can't tell Hayden."
Addy giggles. "Got it."
"If Hayden finds out, he's going to hate me and then Aryse will hate me.."
"Uh I don't think that's going to happen, Lyra. Haha. He's not going to find out unless Aryse tells him which he might or not."
Lyra looks up at Addy. "Do you really think he will? I mean I kinda asked him to do it.."
"You what?! You asked him to kiss you? Lyra!!"
"He asked me how he could make it up to me so I told him to kiss me and he back away so I turned away from him and next thing I know I'm in his arms and then bam he kisses me and before I even realized what happened, he was already back in the shop."
"Wow. You had a nice evening. Being kissed by Aryse for the third time."
"Oh shut up.. it probably didn't mean anything.. he only did because he felt sorry for me.."
"You still shouldn't have kissed her, Aryse! I don't care if you felt sorry for her! That was stupid to do." Hayden refusing to look at Aryse instead is looking out of the window.
"Hayden.. don't act like this please."
"Prom is next month. You're taking me, right?" Hayden turns around to face Aryse, who is leaning against his desk.
"Of course. Who else would I take?" He walks over and kisses Hayden lightly. "You should go. It's getting late."
Hayden kisses his cheek. "Right. Goodnight I love you."
"I love you too."
Once Aryse hears Hayden pull out of the driveway he texts Lyra.
A- Hey.. are you busy right now?
L- not really. why..
A- could you possibly come over it's important
L- you're not going to kiss me and then tell me it means nothing are you?
A- no I promise no kissing.. 😉
L- aryse!
A- okay sorry.. but I just need to give you something..
L- alright.. I'll be there in a few minutes
A few minutes later Aryse hears a knock at the door. "Hey."
"Hey. Now why am I here?"
Aryse grabs Lyra's hand and he takes her upstairs to his bedroom. He takes out the box from under his bed and gets out the letter.
"What's that?.." Lyra asks him.
"It's-" Aryse stops his sentence. Should I give it her or just tell her my apology to her?.. "It's nothing." He tosses the letter to the trash can. "I brought you here so I could apologize to you. The day after we found out you were put into a coma I went to your dad to take fault for what happened to you. He made me sign some paper saying I had to stay away from you.. and he told me that if I truly was sincere then I should write out an apology letter. So I did and I took it to him. He read it and he released me from the restriction letter.. so here I am three months after telling you that you mean nothing to me, apologizing and saying I wish I could take those words back. I'm sorry Lyra. You mean so much more to me than you know. The Lyra who invited me to her house for some silly project that we didn't even do.. we ended up kissing. That was my first real kiss. In all my 17 years of life having to 'kiss' for movies.. kissing you was my first real offscreen kiss. It was amazing. But that's not the point. I'm trying to say that I love you as my best friend, Lyra. I'd be so lost without you. Please forgive me. I'll do anything to make it up to you. Just tell me what I have to do to have you forgive me."
Lyra, tearing up from his words, turns to face him. "You have my forgiveness, Aryse Baylor. But next time keep your bad mood to yourself." Lyra laughs and Aryse laughs along with her.
"Come on, I'll walk you home." Aryse holds out his hand and Lyra takes it. Together they walk back to Lyra's house.
Stopping at her door, Aryse grabs her hand. "Listen about that kiss earlier this evening.."
"I know it meant nothing." Lyra fake smiles at him.
"No. It meant a lot. Thank you for forgiving me. I'm glad you don't hate me."
"I could never hate the boy who's seen his face on my wall." Lyra laughs, Aryse does too. "Goodnight, Aryse Baylor."
"Goodnight, Lyra Tate." He smiles and kisses her hand softly. Lyra goes into her house and Aryse hears back home.

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