im not fragile

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"Is there anything more poetic than the breathy moan all the girls underneath me let out?" Anthony grins, something sort of seductive but playful.

Thalia wants to laugh, call him a narcissist, a halfwit- but she can't seem to get it out.

Instead a patch of bright red spreads across her cheeks.

"What's that? Are- are you blushing?", he says, mocking poor Thalia.

She chuckles. "Uh, A-as if I'd even react to your - your..."

Thalia's defense crashes down just as fast as Anthony's lips press against hers.

She almost didn't kiss back, but who was she kidding? The perturbed bad boy poet with enough balls to even talk to her in such a way was just what she needed.

Anthony exerts some self control for once this entire conversation, he pulls back from her lips.

Thalia lets out an accidental groan due to the lack of friction. "W-why'd you do that?" she regrets this sentence instantly, she's not indignant!

"You're like... well, like a butterfly. I'd hate to clip your wings". His eyes look sincere. "I hurt a lot of people, if you fall for me, well- I dont know if everything will be requited"

She's angry at first, a butterfly?! As if she's fragile or something? Worst of all, fall for him?! Who does this idiot think he is!

She smacks him across his face, as a punishment to him, maybe. But to protect her womanhood? Of course!

"Fuck you", Thalia hissed, "You- you think I'm so fucking- GOD! I don't even know why I would kiss you back, you- y-you're just- GOD!"

"I'm just saying what I know. Do you want this? Do you think you want this? I'll tell you that you don't"

She gets up close to his face. "Well I'm telling you that I do"

Something clicks in Anthony's brain, maybe the annoyance of her, Thalia; stupid, arrogant, yet fucking beautiful in every aspect. He picks her up, hands on her waist. She's not very tall so it's a breeze.

Thalia squeals, shocked by the quick movement.

Instantly a deep shade of crimson is back on her face, she can't even look him in the eye.

God, maybe she is fragile.

She wants to ask what he's gonna do to her. How he's gonna ravish her, fuck, he's barely even done anything and her heart is beating out of her chest.

"Are you scared?"

It's a simple question and she has no idea how to answer it. Because, she's a virgin. But, she's got skeletons in her closet. Shit he can't know about.

She answers with the shake of her head. She's not scared, no. She has no reason to be.

Anthony kisses her again, softly, with a sweet rhythm and oh goodness Thalia can't remember the last time someone kissed her like this.

He bites down on her lip, causing her to let a shaky moan out. "A-anth-"

He pecks her lips again. "Shh baby. I promise I'm gonna take care of you"

Thalia wants to melt in his arms, curl up there and never have to leave. No use in showing restraint at this point.

Anthony takes her from the dining hall, all the way to his room. Sneaking past the dormitory guards.

She feels like a spy, like a juvenile delinquent- running away from home.

This is exactly what her parents were afraid of, thats why they shipped her away. Fear.

Thalia was tired of being afraid.

Lol part two coming whenever tf I want it to I'm sorry I just suck @ writing 💗💞💘

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