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I could've screamed. I almost did, right along with the wind and the birds and everything else that was getting completely soaked by the torrents of rain that came literally out of nowhere. One second it was gorgeous and sunny, if not a little breezy, and the next I was getting poured on. Just like that the blue sky clouded over and opened up in a ridiculously heavy storm. 

Everyone else in the vicinity had immediately ran for cover but I didn't really care to. With the mood I was in it was easier to just let it wash over me and let the wind and water swallow me up. It wasn't like things could get any worse. 

To some extent I think I needed to let myself get washed away in something other than self-pity and confusion. The distraction of a storm was nearly perfect. Until I started crying again, anyway. 

I'd been walking along the edge of the water for about half an hour, looking for a quiet place to sit and think and maybe do some reading when the sky turned dark and the wind came in. I kept walking even after everyone else took off and finally found a narrow wooden dock to settle down on. Then, just like the rain, I let my sorrow wash over me, getting my tank top and shorts soaked in salt water. 

For the billionth time I shoved my red hair out of my face and tried to take a calming breath but it didn't help. Between the wracking sobs I was trying to hold back and the howling wind I couldn't seem to get enough air in my lungs to make it stop. I knew staying out in the storm wasn't doing me any good so I finally stood up and turned my back to the wind to stare out at the angry water and prepared to trek back to my car and just go home. 

That was, of course, before I slipped on the edge of the dock, caught my old flip flop, and fell face first into a pathetic amount of water. That was when I lost my cool. 

"Seriously? Are you freaking kidding me?" Like a toddler, I slapped the water I was sitting in and let out a howl. "Life, what is your problem?" 

It didn't take all that long for me to realize just how childish I was being and step out of the lake, but I was at least feeling marginally calm. The cute white shorts and flowing tank top I'd carefully picked out that morning before going on this impromptu road trip were dripping even more so and I knew as soon as my feet hit damp sand that it was going to be a long walk back; one that I was not looking forward to. 

The knapsack hanging off my shoulders was sopping wet, too, and I figured my new book was done for. As Camille would say, it served me right. 

I started walking, trying my best to shuffle along in a way that would minimize chafing instead of stalking like I wanted to. Even though I was mad there was no point in giving the rest of the world a pissed off vibe and myself a painful rash. 

When I was nearly halfway to my car, a figure appeared off in the distance. They were moving quickly through the sand, completely oblivious to both me and the awful weather we were out in. I, however, was trudging along slowly, stopping every hundred or so feet to adjust the straps of my bag and feel generally sorry for myself. 

As they got closer I realized they were a guy. A guy with dark, curly hair that flopped as he ran even though his gait was as smooth as could be. His gray shorts matched the headphones secured inside his ears and his dark blue athletic shirt was damp with either sweat or rain, I couldn't tell. 

A small part of me hoped (okay, maybe prayed) that he would slow down and talk to me as he got closer. I resisted the urge to fix my hair and mustered a smile just for him. When he raced on by like I didn't even exist, any hope I had of finding a friend was shattered. It might've been my imagination, but I could have sworn he even picked up speed once we passed each other. 

The lack of acknowledgement from this mystery man dampened my spirits even more than the rain had and I felt a sour look grace my pale, freckled face as I trekked on. I wasn't too great with people but I made an effort to smile for this dude, and what did I get in return? Nothing. A big fat bowl of nothing. 

Again, Camille would say it served me right. 

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