Chapter 6

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As I feel the cold gun come in contact with my face, I flinch. Then everything's in slow motion. He says raspily,"you're next," and just as the trigger is pulled I wake up.

Dammit. Another nightmare. This time I didn't wake up screaming but my stomach and head hurt like a bitch.

I click the home button on my phone and see its 4 a.m. Wow at least I got decent sleep compared to the usual.

My phone slowly turns off because of the lack of contact on the screen.

I roll over and stare at my window with white laced curtains. The curtains hover inches above my hard wood floor swaying gently. I stare at the intricate design and my eyes begin to feel heavy. I'm soon asleep.

I wake up and realize I had woken up at 10 a.m. I glance at my phone and reach over my bed to pick it up. Cameron texted me at 9:45 so about fifteen minutes ago. A smile grows across my face. It's funny how much someone can have an impact on you, not even knowing them well. I unlock the screen and read the text.

From cam😘: good morning beautiful :)

To cam😘: morning, sorry I just woke up haha.

From cam😘: it's all good babe(;

I can feel a delicate blush form on my face.

To cam😘: good :)

From cam😘: would ya wanna get some ice cream at Swirl's today together?

To cam😘: I would love to!

From cam😘: great! meet me there at 1:30?

To cam😘: ya, sounds good.

From cam😘: see ya later bye :)

To cam😘: byee :P

I'm in a righteous mood now. Living in Cali it gets quite hot and a nice cream date sounds perfect at the moment.

I roll off my bed and do my usual morning routine. I walk over to my closet debating on what to wear. I decide on my light high waisted jean shorts and a white Victoria's Secret v-neck with a navy blue palm tree print. I tuck in my shirt and go to the bathroom and proceed to straighten my hair putting it half up half down with a navy blue bow. After satisfying myself with my look I go downstairs and grab a donut, plopping it into my mouth. I tell my mom I'm going to be with Cameron, grab my car keys and head out the door putting on my black vans flip flops.

I turn on the radio and Lana Dal Rey fills the car. I tap my fingers to the beat of the song and look at my surroundings which is basically shops and beaches since I live in Malibu. I look to see its 1:10. I have twenty minutes to get there so I drive slowly.

As I pull up into Swirl's parking lot I see Cameron leaning against his car like a model posing for his photoshoot. He's such a frat boy, I think to myself chuckling lightly and pull up next to him.

He stares at me as I get out of the car and my face becomes hot. He smiles showing his perfectly straight white teeth. "Hey Colbie." "Hey," I reply shyly. "You look very pretty," he says raking his eyes down my body smirking. " Thank you. You look pretty too. Wait no beautiful. No handsome. Oh my god." I reply digging my face in my hands clearly embarrassed. He can sense my embarrassment and changes the subject. "How are you doing?" He asks while we walk on the sidewalk, sun beating down on us. "The usual, you know, well maybe you don't but nothing exciting happens to me." God I'm so awkward.

We walked up to the giant chalk board containing all of the choices they have including toppings, cones, and ice cream flavors. When we both know what we want we go up to the ordering window since it's an outside place. I order a vanilla cone with sprinkles and he orders a chocolate cup with a cherry and hot fudge.

As I pull out my money he stops my hand and says,"I've got it," laughing slightly. I knew I wouldn't win if I argued to pay for it so I agreed.

He gives the cashier the money and grabs our ice creams. He hands me my cone and I lick the sides already seeing it melt slightly. I watch him as he takes a bite of his ice cream. "You enjoying the view?" He laughs. I immediately get out of my trance and laugh along awkwardly.

We make small talk and towards the end of our date I grab napkins and start throwing everything away.

As I take my last couple of bites I accidentally miss my mouth and my nose is soon covered with vanilla ice cream. I laugh and he looks over laughing too. His laugh is so contagious. He reaches for a napkin and soon it gets kinda serious. A smile tugs at his lips as he gently wipes it off my nose, all the while staring into each others eyes. We are very close to each other and zayum does he smell good. Before I know what's going on he's slowly leaning in shutting his eyes. I naturally leaned in too and tilted me head. His soft lips connected with mine and my stomach goes insane. It was my first kiss, it felt so right and it was with the boy of my dreams. After what seemed a couple seconds he pulled back.

It was perfect and by the look on his face it seemed like he felt the same way. This is when I first realized I had feelings for Cameron. My mind was racing as reality sets in. Cameron just kissed me oh my god. I mentally fangirl and stand up as he throws his trash away.

He takes my hand and leads me to the car. "I had a really fun time. I can't wait to see you at group therapy," he states sincerely. "Same," was all I could manage still shaken from our previous kiss.

We said our goodbyes and I get in my car. I put the keys in the ignition and drive off waving to him. Today was a good day.

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