I And My Romeo

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He was like my own version of Romeo. Not only that but he also would quote scenes from it as well like he was Shakepeare himself.

His eyes were gray but his heart was full of light and when we were around each other the light shone through in both of our hearts.

We worked together for a short period of time though we didn't let that stop the passion we both had for the fate love story.

Every day we would continue the quotes until one day after our shift we were following each other out to our cars.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it be tommrow," he says to me as I pass him.

I look back at him sort of stunned because I thought our love affair was over after the first date but then he adds, "What's in a name we call a rose? By any other name would smell as sweet."

With that being said he pulls a rose from behind his back and hands me it.

This guy. This guy I tell you. I don't know how to make him stop although why would I want him to stop when he is more romantic than any man I could ever love.

Then out of no where his lips pressed against mine and we both smile as we do part our ways.

I wonder if he knew that was my first kiss. I mean I am not complaining at all and one would think this could be the best first kiss ever. Though in the back of my mind something lingers.

My heart starts pacing unlike the regular rhythm similiar to a clock. If my heart was a clock it would be past twenty four hours in just under one.

I touch my lips yet they feel nothing there anymore and the sensation I only had just a few seconds prior was gone.

Yet my heart fluttered beyond any circumstance I have ever had.

I shouldn't be feeling these feelings. I shouldn't be feeling what I am feeling when I know it could be wrong.

However why would it be wrong when I am old enough. I am old enough to make my own decisions. I am old enough to tell a person older than me that I love him.

Love shouldn't have any boundaries, or limits, or anything for that matter. Yes he is older than me. Yes he is out of my league if that's ever considered a thought anymore.

And yes we only just met a couple of months ago, however none of that matters.

Though if I should quote the play I will add : For never was a story more woe than this of I and my Romeo.

Okay yeah I changed it up but no romance is the same and I am taking this one by the thorns as it continues. 

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