I guess your stuck here

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We all wondered why their powers weren't working, except for Tyler. Who is still making me cupcakes, Yay! I love cupcakes! OFF TOPIC! Anyway, I finally thought of a reason!

''Hey guys! Maybe they don't have powers anymore because we're in the real world! Duh!''

''Then how do you and Nanami have god powers?''

''Because it doesn't matter which dimension we're from! We're still gods!''

''Wait a minute... when did you become a god, Emi?'' Winter asked still trying not to faint of excitment.

''Long story-''

''Cupcakes are done!''

''Not right, now I need a cheeseburger cupcake!'' Niall and I said in perfect synchronization. We are like, food buddies. Anyway, we ran to the smell of cupcakes that looked like cheeseburgers. It had a brownie pattie.

''Oh my god, I love brownies!'' I said after taking a bite of the cheeseburger cupcake. (A/N I tried to put a video of a nerdy nummy on the side so, if it worked then Yay! anyway, back to the story) While we ate the rest of the cupcakes, everyone came in the kitchen.

''So Emi, how are we going to go back home, now that we don't have our powers?'' Tomoe asked me.

''Well... I guess your stuck here until we find a way... sorry?'' He tried to air choke me and then Tomoe started to run after me.

''Calm down bro! We can figure this ou-''

''Yo Emi! Ya gotta phone call from your mom! Pick it up! Pick it u-'' Thats my ringtone, just if your wondering.

''Hello... oh sorry to make you wor-... fine, but can I have some friends to sleep over? They lost their homes and I want to help... okay gracias mamy adios!'' I hung up then sighed. Everyone looked at me with a worried look.

''My mom says that I have to go home now, I'll see ya'll later, Nanami, Mizuki, Tomoe come my slaves! To my house, you guys are gonna stay there until we find a way to return you guys... Scarlette, get off of Mizuki... and Winter, stop staring at Tomoe, he's taken with Nanami...'' I winked at them and Nanami blushed like crazy, but Tomoe just gave a 'whatever' look... aw he blushed alittle! OFF TOPIC... AGAIN! Well, I said goodbye to my friends and Winter told me,''See you at school tomorrow!'' I forgot about school, so after I said goodbye to Yoshi I ran to my house with Nanami, Mizuki, and Tomoe on my trail.

Once we got to my house I got my little Ciel Phantomhive key and opened my door. The outside of my house is red, with a black roof. Its a two story house with alot of rooms since we got it when my dad was still here and he invited friends of his over to stay sometimes... I wish he was still here... Anyway they 'awed' my house one we got inside. The living room's walls were painted a light blue and the kitchens walls were red. When we got home, I smelled chorizo con papas (Its potatoes cut up with chorizo and I don't know what chorizo is in english so if your askin' then look it up) So I ran to the kitchen as fast as I could and saw my mom.

''Hola mamy! Yo puede a comer a hora?''

''Primero, donde estan tu's amigos?''

''Un momento,'' I ran to where Tomoe, Mizuki, and Nanami 'were' but they're not there so I searched the house. I found Nanami in my room, my room has a bunk bed that I use dometimes when I'm lazy to get up so I fall on the other bunk that slides from under my bed, and my room is painted white so I could draw and paint on my walls. It also has a desk with my laptop and in my closet, has a  mini fridge we got one day for free, but my mom never knew I had it. Anyway I found Tomoe in the guest room, It also had a bed like mine, but on the side of the bed, it had a slide. the room also has the laptop and the desk, and some extra clothes for boys which I still wonder why we had that there... oh well. And finally, I found Mizuki in the gaming room, which is my favorite room of all, I played the fooseball with my dad, and since he's not around, I played the other games we had, so as a result, I am a air hockey champ, I am a god when it comes to Left for dead 2, and any shooting game... I lust suck at racing games so I worship the racing god, Scarlette.

''Mamy, este es Natalie, Toby, y Michael.'' I gave them fake names just in case.

''Hello I'm Emily's mom. We're just about to eat, so are you hungery?'' I made them nod because I'm starving and I love anything with chorizo. When we got our plates, Nanami (a.k.a. Natalie) Tomoe (a.k.a. Michael... jk its Toby) and Mizuki (a.k.a. Michael) they all looked at the food like 'what the fudgemonkeys is this?' but I just told them,'' Well we're mexicans, we eat different food than american food or japanese food sometimes.'' So when they ate it, they kept eating, see our food taste better... except for Zaxby's and Mexican resturaunts or Publix cakes! NOTHING BEATS A CAKE FROM PUBLIX SO DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO SAY THAT SOMEONE ELSES CAKES ARE BETTER! WHO'S WITH ME! So after we finished, we all washed our plates then went to the gaming room, I played Left for Dead 2 with Tomoe and Nanami played air hockey with Mizuki. Mizuki kept on winning and Nanami said,'' Again! Until I beat you!'' He just shrugged and kept on playing. While Tomoe and I were on the Bridge, on Expert mode! I almost mad it but Tomoe just had to fall because of a stupid Witch, so I killed the Witch then a boomer spit on me! I killed it but now theres a mob of zombies for me so I used a shortcut to get to the 'copter and we made it! Only Tomoe and I made it because Coach and Nick had to die from the begining!

''Time to go to sleep.'' I told them.

''But why?!'' They all said in perfect unison.

''We have school tomorrow, so we gotta go to sleep... oh my god my homework!'' I was gonna run to my room until I tripped from a foot. I faceplanted to the ground.

''Really?! What was that for Nanami!''

''If you beat Mizuki in air hockey, then I'll go to sleep.'' I took the hockey thing and Mizuki started.He took it slow on me.

''Really? I thought you would be better.'' I hit it so hard that you couldn't see where it went.

''Hey, where'd it go-''

''Winner! Player two!'' The machine said. They all 'awed' that moment so I'm just like.

''Praise the hockey god!'' Then I pointed to myself, and we all laughed.

''Now time to sleep, Tomoe, Mizuki you'll be sleepin' in the guest room!''

''I call top bunk!'' Mizuki said then he ran to the room and saw the slide. Tomoe just walked to the room, killjoy.

''And Nanami, since you are a girl and I don't want you to be really... well... ya know, so you'll be sleepin in my room!'' We ran to my room and I got a Mountain Dew from my mini fridge. I gave one to Nanami and she slept, I checked on Tomoe, and Mizuki and only Mizuki was asleep.

''Tomoe, you can't sleep?''

''No, I'm just wondering why Mikage didn't show himself 'till you came...''

''Well, he was always watching out for you, he always looked after you, i'm not sure why he did that... but I at least know that it was for a good reason so don't worry.'' I hugged him.

''Okay... oh and tomorrow, what do you mean 'we' are going to school?''

''I gotta enroll you guys in school because my mom can't take care of you during school hours, she has to work. She's a lawer.''

''Okay... well goodnight Emi.''

''Night Tomoe.'' I got out of his room and went back into mine. I wondered about Mikage then drank my last drop of Mountain Dew.

Why did Mikage leave him, for all those years? Oh well... Oh my gosh I forgot about my homework again! Oh well... I'll just do it on the bus.


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Bye lamas!

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