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Third Person's POV
Brooke paused for a moment but then continued. ''I am, god of war. You wanted to know, well there ya have it.'' Emi chuckled a bit. ''Whats so funny?'' Brooke irked.

''Wars start out as arguments and then if not won, made friendships. Remember? In third grade, Mrs. Hills taught us that,'' She trudged over to Tomoe, and put her hand on his bloody ones.

''If this is a war of gods, let the battle begin.'' Brooke was furious for soem reason and yelled out something to Emi.

''Okay, get ready for your death.'' She raised her right hand, Tomoe's hand followed. ''I can controll your little boyfriend remember?! I can control your friends! Everyone! You can't beat me!!'' Mizuki, Tomoe, Winter, and everyone elses hands joined in. Emi's hand stayed on Tomoes left.

''Your right, I can't beat you.'' Emi spoked. Brooke, Tomoe, and Mizuki's eyes widened in shock.

''I can't beat someone who won't even fight.'' Brooke felt disgusted with herself for a short while and just moved on.

''Mizuki! Get that b*tch!'' Mizuki folowed orders.

''Emi! Watch out!'' Mizuki yelled as he was was running, about to punch her out cold. She stayed in place like she didn't hear the warning. ''Emi!!'' He screeched. When he got to her, a puff of dust surrounded them and when it cleared, Emi was standing, holding Mizuki's hand.

"Thats enough from you, Brooke.'' She muttered. A white glow surrounded her hands and the others. When they coud all see, they were in control once again. They were surprised, but never the less they didn't question what happened because they had to kick some ass.

"How'd you do that?!" Brooke wondered.

"I don't know but I like it. Brooke, you wanted a friend but you can't until you learn things other than violence.. but we can try."

"Ha! like I would be friends with you after everything you caused. I like to have you dead more than anything else now." She charged at Emi at the speed of light but before she could hit her, Emi grabbed her wrist and flipped her down.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore! Just stop this!!"

"Stop this?! This is great!" Brooke got up with a wicked grin. "To see the god of friendship fight the god of war?! It's so great! Come on! Fight!" Emi looked at her like she was crazy... wait a minute she is!

"I won't!"

"Emi if you won't do anything, can I at least punch her?!" Tomoe cracked his knuckles.

"Yeah! Be so weak that you have to let someone else fight for you! I killed your best friend and used them all! Come on! Aren't you mad?! Don't you just want to punch me or kill me?!"

"Stop! I won't do it!" Emi screamed.

"What about your mother?" Emi looked at Brooke. "That car crash was me! I did it all! I was the reason your mom died!"

"Why?! How could you?!" Emi growled. Beooke laughed insanely.

"She risked her life just for a baby on the streets. I remember her face when she stopped the car and crashed with the car behind hers. Just for a little baby. Come on, don't you want revenge?" Yes Emi did want to kill her, but something or someone told her no. Someone was telling her no.
No, don't Emi. Your mom wouldn't want you to do that. She wants you to live a happy life. Don't make her sad. Your mom died to save even a fake baby, she doesn't want you to be like that. She killed me, that's okay. I'm your best friend. Don't be such a bummer like Tomoe. Emi noticed the voice and she knew who it was. It was Nanami. She started to tear up. Don't be sad Emi. Just don't turn into her. Please... for me. Nanami's voice echoed throughout her head. Emi kept on trying to make peace.

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