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You start to fall asleep.

-3rd person P.O.V-
The Marines are starting test on (Y/N) what they do first is they put this chip in (Y/N) arm that's for being their little "snipper" or their "spy" and another chip in your other arm to make you stronger.

-(Y/N) P.O.V-
Where am I? What am I doing here? Somebody comes in and grabs your arm leading you up to this workout room the Marine that was griping your arm lets go and you fall to the ground and he says "work". You start to workout.

-Timeskip 5 days have past and you hear somebody start to scream pirate ship so you go out to check it out-

You and the Marine's start to board the pirate ship you start to take on this green haired dude.

"(Y/N) is that you" the green haired dude asked

"Who's this (Y/N) girl you keep talking about" You asked

*read the next chapter to find out what happens next bye*

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