Chapter 28

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I do not own any of the characters besides my oc's•
Word count: 681
Updated on March 25, 2018

"Hiya my name is Bill Cipher and I have come to make a deal with you" The floating triangle said

"O-ok w-what i-is t-the d-deal?" (Y/N) said

"You want your little boyfriend to be ok right" Bill said

"Well yea if you say it that way but I know theirs a catch your not telling me about" (Y/N) said

"Heah your smart for a little girl my catch is that I want you to come with me to my dimension" Bill said

"But you will know of their ok right and I will be back here right Bill" (Y/N) said

"Ya in about 2 years is that a deal" Bill said

"Deal but when do I go to your dimension" (Y/N) said

"You'll come tomorrow" Bill said

"Ah ok i'll see you then Bill" (Y/N) said

"Alrighty then" Bill said

You wake up from that 'dream' and you remember what Bill said so you decide just to take a walk and see the floating triangle again.

"Alright time to go (Y/N)" Bill said

"Ok i'm ready to go" (Y/N) said

-Timeskip your at Bill's dimension-

"A little uncomfortable for you right" Bill said

"Y-yes" (Y/N) said

"Is it my form I think it's my form right I knew my form would do this do you want me to change forms" Bill said you nod and he changes into a human with a long yellow trench coat and with a white collar with a black vest and a black bowtie with yellow eyes with black gloves on and a cane.

"Am I better now" Bill said

"Yes" (Y/N) said after that Bill shows you around and you get settled in your room.

'Hm maybe this deal wasn't so bad after all' you think then you fall asleep.

-Timeskip the next day-

You wake up and see a outfit kinda like Bill's but with a skirt instead you put the outfit on and you go into the living room and see a lot of gold but you ignore it and sit down then you see this clear ball thing and see two kids one with shaggy brown hair and a girl with long brown hair and a cute sweater on. Then you hear a voice behind you. You jump to see Bill behind you.

"H-hey Bill" (Y/N) said

"What are you doing?" Bill said

"Oh a just looking around" (Y/N) said

"Ok but if-" Bill got cut off bye a knock on the door.

"I'll get it Bill" (Y/N) said

You open the door to see those kids like in the clear ball thingy "hello" (Y/N) said

"Hey!! My name is Mabel and that's my brother Dipper! Do you want to be my friend and why are you here with Bill he's bad?" Mabel said

"Oh I didn't know that but why are you guys here?" (Y/N) said

"We heard somebody was here and we came to save them" Dipper said

"Who's at the door (Y/N)?" Bill said (still in his human form)

"Oh its nobody" (Y/N) said then you see Bill start to come to the door and you turn back to Dipper and Mable.

"Guys you have to leave Bill is coming and if he sees you he'll freak" (Y/N) said

"No were not leaving with out you (Y/N)" Mable said

"No I have made a deal with Bill and I can't leave it wait what year is it" (Y/N) said

"Um 2016" Dipper said

"ITS BEEN 2 YEARS ALREADY I made that deal in 2014" (Y/N) said

"Ok" Dipper said

"Ya sure let's go before he comes" (Y/N) said

*thank you for being patient with me I just had a lot of stuff going on like track and church bye oh and sorry for the crossover I just started to watch Gravity falls*

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