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"(Y/N) did they do anything to you are you hurt?" Zoro asked

-Flashback when you were 14 you came out to training and Zoro saw that you had a bad bruise on your arm-

"(Y/N) are you hurt?" Zoro asked

-Flashback ended-

"ZORO ITS YOU" you go up to Zoro and hug him you whisper "I love you" in his ear and he says it back. You guys go to help the rest of the crew and the crew defeats the Marine's for right now. The whole crew goes into the kitchen for supper.

"(Y/N) what happened to you?" Nami said

"I don't know all I know was somebody dragging me by my arm" (Y/N) said

"Are you sure (Y/N)" Zoro asked

"Yes I'm sure" (Y/N) said

"You should get checked out by Chopper just in case" Zoro said

"Ok" (Y/N) said you go into Choppers office to get checked out.

"(Y/N) did you know that they took..." Chopper said

*what did they take? Bye*

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