meeting dada-in-law(6)

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I haven't told my parent yet and I'm so nervous as I am planning to break the news today. But before all things he has to pay for my Lobola. It's our tradition and he's willing to do so. He doesn't know the whole process and how to approach it but the first thing that has to be done are introduction. I have to meet the father that raised the man that I love.

I'm in the kitchen right now helping my mother with this evening's food. We are talking like our normal selfs, well she does most of the talking. Pastor this pastor that, that is all I hear now and again. My mother somehow thinks that this thing with Michael is just a phase that I will eventually pass through. She refuses to accept but oh boy is she she going to faint when she finds out that Michael wants to marry me.

"Thandi pour this in that pot please, thank you baby." I picked up the diced tomatoes and added them in the beef stew.


My father finally arrived back home and we started piling up our plates with rice, beef, beetroot, raosted potatoes and beans. To say the food is delicious is an understatement.

"Mama, papa, I have something I have to tell you." All the clicking on plates stopped and all eyes were on me.

"Oh my dear are you pregnant?" My mother asked while I gasped and rolled my eyes.

"No mama, would you let me finish up before you come up with more worse things than me being pregnant." My mother let out a breath. My father nods his head to let me continue.

"Michael asked me to marry him and I agreed." My father smiled and ululated. My mother on the other hand started choking on her food. She looked as though they applied her face with white powder. It was a terrible view to look at.

"What! You are not going to marry him, not when I'm still alive."

"Mama please, I love him." The last part came out as a faint whisper.

"Love, please do it for your daughter. She is happy with the man and that's what important. " my dad pleaded to my mother for me.

"He doesn't know a thing about our culture. Does he know he needs to pay Lobola? I'm not just going to give my daughter away especially to that man."

"Why mama? Because he's white?" I was on the verge of crying now. Why can't she just accept Michael. "He knows what has to be done. I told him and he said that he'll send a letter to the family by the end of the week."

"Okay." She simply said and folded her arms on her chest. "... But things have to be done the right way. He has to come and meet up with your uncle's. Let see if he'll succeed." My mom had a mischievous smile on her.

"Thank you mama." This has to be the hardest thing I had done so far.


Today is the day I go to Michael's house to meet up with the parents. I'm scared as sh*t right now. I don't know what will happen or if they'll ask something which I won't be able to answer.

I'm about to head out of the door when my mother stopped me. I guess she has now realised that I'm serious about Michael.

"Thandi, I wanted to tell you that you should be yourself do not try to impress them they should accept you like I have accepted that man, but Thandi why him? There's mpho and sifiso at church."

"Mama, we've spoken about this. I understand but I can't just ignore what I feel for Michael.  It's either him or no one mama." I think this is slowly starting to sink in with my mother. She sighed and gave me an approving smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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