Victim's View #1

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I walked down the street, heading home after a long day. The lights, I noticed, were getting dimmer and then started to flicker on and off repeatedly. I couldn't help but feel like some one was watching me...stalking me. I turned around to see if anyone was there, but because of the lights it was hard to see anything. I thought about yelling, "Is anyone there?", but I didn't knowing that most of the time when some one yells that, they end up dead. I turned around instead and pulled my coat closer around me and thought to myself 'I am just paranoid'. I kept walking straight, never looking back. I only had 2 more blocks. I still felt like I was being followed.The wind picked up. Only a little, but it was enough to send a chill through my bones. I heard something. I know I did. I turned around once again and saw some thing that really surprised me. I saw a woman with brunette hair, brown eyes and wearing a long drench coat that went down to her knees. I couldn't see her face real well, but I automatically knew she was beautiful. Thats when the lights went out. I waited. All I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding in my chest so hard I thought it would burst out. Next thing I knew I was running down an ally trying to get away, but I knew I wouldn't live. My attempt to even try to run was a feeble one. She was right on my heels. Then in front of me and she slammed me to my knees. Then she put a gun to my head.

A look I didn't really understand was on her face. It was a look of satisfaction but at the same time...remorse. Or thats what I thought I saw, but any emotion on her face was quickly gone. Replaced with a look that showed nothing. I knew this was my end. That my life was over. I didn't want to go, but if this was my fate, who am I to argue with God's will. I closed my eyes, only for a second. Then I opened them again and looked into her's, tears started to block my vision and threaten to spill over, but I didn't let them. I looked at her a little longer, then I whispered a silent request. What I thought to be a simple curtesy.

I whispered in a dry, chalky voice," Tell...Tell my wife I love her...And I'm sorry..." She looked at me in a funny way at first then her eyes softened and she whispered back,"Promise". That was the last thing I heard other than a gun shot.

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