Victim's View #3

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The night air is a little chilly. The latest victim's body left a gruesome black hole in my memory. The breeze was light, but it made the dark street seem eerie. The street lights were dim and instead of making me feel more comfortable and safe, they made me feel cold and isolated. I am naturally a little bit of a nervous person, but thats only at night while I'm on the street. I turned down an ally. I didn't realize exactly how stupid I was for doing this until it was too late. Oh well, I guess I will just have to keep on walking to see where I end up. At the end of the ally, I saw someone. It looked like a woman. She was standing there as if she were waiting for me. I felt a paing of fear shoot up my spin and slither back down. I wonder if she's the killer. She started towards me. I stiffed. I had no idea what was coming towards me and that little fact terrified me. Then as she got closer a little lamp turned on, as if her presence some how gave it enough power to turn on right on cue. That's when I saw her face. she was the latest victim's wife. She looked beautiful. Earlier today when I saw looked at her she was crying. Her eyes were swollen and red and irritated. Not now though. she was stunning. She was standing in front of me now. "Detective Howe? Is that you?" Her voice was like silk.

 I hesitated, but only for a moment," Yes? Can I help you, Ma'am?".

"Oh, there is no need to call me 'ma'am' You can call me Kylie. And actually, you could help me with one thing." 

" What's that?". I asked, eager to help a damzel in distress.

 "You could walk me home? Its rather dangerous out here a night. Me being a woman and all. I might get harrased or something."

I was considering what she was saying. She had a point. Its no crime to walk a lady home...if that's all that happens at least.

"Of course. I would be honored to walk you home...Kylie." I gave her a coy, but appropriate smile.Tonight is my lucky night. Mhmm, yep.

"Oh, would you? I would love that. What a gentlemen you are!"

she walked over to me and wrapped her hand around my arm. She looked down at her feet with a shy smile...I think. I wonder what she's thinking. I can't believe she wants me to walk her home. She is so pretty. That amazing body. Those beautiful brown eyes. That soft brunette hair that smells so heavenly. I wonder what she sees in me? No! I told myself firmly. I am married. I have been for eight years. I plan on keeping it that way...maybe. What my wife doesn't know won't hurt her. Why would she need to know? I smiled, more to myself. I tucked my hand into my jacket and slowly slid off my ring. It felt weird not having it around my finger, but it felt good too. I feel free. I should have done this years ago. We were half way to her house and we hadn't spoken a word to each other. I liked having her on my arm. I felt like I conqured a kingdom that no one else has conqured before. I'm proud of myself. She stopped all of a sudden. I wonder what's wrong?

"Isn't this your partner's house?" she asked seeming to be purely curios.

I looked up the drive way in front of us. "Yes, it is. I always thought she had too much house for just herself."

"I think its a lovely home. Are you and your partner any closer to catching the killer?"

Um, actually, we think we are getting closer. I feel like she is right in front of me, but we don't know who yet."

"She? How do you know it's a female?"

"Because we got some DNA from a sample of salivia. We tested it and found out it was female." I wonder why she is so curios? I thought she would want revenge more then Information.

"I would just love to tell you right now what I have been killing to do all night."

"What's that?"

"I know who the killer is."

"What?! Who?!"

She pulled her other hand out of her pocket and put a gun to my head. It was in the exact same place as the other men.

"Me. If you yell or make any noise above a whisper I will shoot you now. Am I clear?"

I was shocked. I was terrified. How could this be? She killed her husband? Why? Why would she do that?

"Crystal. Why? Why are you killing married men?

"It's none of you buisness. I am just using you to send a message."

"What message?"

"This one."

She took a knife out of her pocket with her other hand, being sure to keep the gun pressed against my temple. Then she hit my head with the gun. causing me to see little spots and feel dizzy. I went down to my knees. I tryed to blink away the spots, but it was no use. She gaged me with a torn piece of cloth, so no one could hear me scream I bet. She pulled the knife back and stabed me. As she stabbed me she would rip trough the skin and carve. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell until my lungs blew up. It hurts so much. When she was done stabbing and carving, she pulled the trigger of the gun I heard a loud explosion. The last thing I saw was a flash of light, blood, and a burn on the side of her face...

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