Victim's View #2

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Have you ever gotten a dream where you die? I have. I wonder if it means something?


I have been a little on edge lately because of the murders that I read about in the papers. I heard that all of the victims were married men and shot once in the temple. I think I fit the profile. I am married, but what are the chances of me being the next victim? There are hundreds of married men here in the city. It's San Francisco after all. I am saying all this to myself and yet, I don't believe any of it. It has only been a few nights since the last killing. I can't sleep. Every sound in the night wakes me or makes me see things that aren't there. I think I need some fresh air. I will go for a walk, but I am going to bring some pepper-spray with me...just incase. I got out of bed, careful not to wake my resting wife. I went out into the front hallway and got a coat and some shoes on. I grabed the pepper-spary and put it in my pocket. I went out side and I immediately felt a shadow of doom. I think I am going crazy. I walked outside and made sure to lock the door behind me. A picture of the last body flashed through my head. I quickly pushed it aside. Thinking about that kind of stuff just isn't healthy. I walked slowly. I was alert of every thing around me. I was aware of the sirens in the distance, the owls hooting, the houses with empty windows. I was aware of something else also...I felt a little awkward. I wonder? I put my hand on the pepper-spray, ready to use it if anything out of the ordinary popped up. I felt comfort in knowing that I was armed. I would be happy to leave a massive burn on the killer, if they should show their face. I felt like I was being followed. You know that feeling when it feels like there are a pair of eyes digging into the back of your head? That's how I feel. I heard a crack on a twig. I halted to a stop in the middle of the side walk. I slowly turned around to face what I thought was going to be the killer. Instead, all I saw was my wife. She has brunette hair, pretty brown eyes, and she always wears the same, old, trench coat. I thought I left her asleep in bed. I was looking at her now. She looked different. To me, she always had a some what of a wild look in her eyes that was usually in the middle of her dark pupils. But, tonight she looked a little more wild. The look was in her eyes but instead of being in the back of them, it was all upfront. She was staring at me in a creepy way. The look made goose-bumps crawl up my arms and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. She had one hand behind her back. She slowly walked a few steps closer to me.

"What are you doing out here, Honey? Don't you know that it isn't safe for married men to be out at night alone?", she said it in a syrupy voice, obviously pretending to be a loving, worried wife, but the look in her eyes never changed. I didn't feel safe with her. I felt cold. I am not supposed to feel this. I am supposed to feel safe and comfortable around her. I held onto the pepper-spray tightly, I could feel me knuckles turn white. I am sure all color from my face drained. I felt dizzy and then finaly I collasped to the ground on my knees. I felt like I was upside-down on a Merry-go-round. My wife? The killer? How could I not see it?! All those nights she came home late, sneaking in through the back door.

She slowly walked over to me, and pulled her hand around from behind her back. She had a gun. I couldn't believe it. She really was going to kill me, her husband. She kneeled down to look me dead in the eyes. She whispered to me in a voice that sounded so angelic,  so gentle, that I almost believed she couldn't have been the killer. She whispered,"I know this must be hard for you to believe, but I do love you. I am doing this for your own good. I hope you can forgive me in the afterlife." She then kissed me gently on my forhead and brought up the gun to my temple. I whispered back to her," I know you think you are doing the right thing, but I know that deep down inside you wish there were another way. I did love you. I could never forgive you for this. I will see you in hell." I know those words hurt her heart, but right now, I didn't care. All I want is to live. I guess I will get my wish of leaving a massive burn on the killer, my wife, my best friend, but no more. I pulled out the pepper-spray and pointed it right at her face. I let a stream of liquid come out and I heard her scream. She then automatically pulled the triger.    

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