Victim's View #4

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Every day I read the newspaper. It's been a habit of mine since I was about thirteen. Usually there's just a bunch of boring crap about the government, movies, little comics (which I find occasionally amusing, and cheesy), but lately it's been all about the murders. So far, there have been three. All of the victim's have been married men. There doesn't seem to be any pattern in age. None of the men are connected because of jobs or travel. They don't have any physical similarities either. The paper says that the cops are doing everything they can to catch him, the murderer. But how do they know it's a man. It could be a woman, but no. All serial killers are men, of course. There is no possible way that it could be a women, not in the slightest. But then you have to think about killers like: Belle Gunness, Jane Toppan, Velma Barfield, Nannie Doss, Bertha Gifford, and Jeanne Weber. But whatever. If the police think it's a man, fine. I'll let them believe what they want, but to me, every man, woman, and even child is a suspect.

I have to finish getting ready for work. I work at the ship yard, making sure all the cargo is secure and in good shape. I have to clock in by 6:00 AM or I get a stern talking to from the big bad boss that sits up in an airconditioned office with flowers sitting on his desk, a gift from his lovely intern.

On my way out the door, I go through the kitchen to grab a banana. I have my keys, coat, and work ID. Yep, ready to go.

It's a chilly morning, but I'm not surprised about that. It's almost winter after all. The street lights are still on and all the windows in the houses and appartments are off. Nobody gets up this early anymore for work. Nobody except me. Because I don't have what some people call a "white collar" job, I have what they call a "blue collar" job because I get a little dirt under my nails. Whatever, I like getting up at this time. The air is clean, the streets are empty, everything is quiet...

This morning is different seems too quiet. I feel like something bad is going to happen. Maybe today is going to be a bad day at work? I've never been one to follow my gut feeling. I get this feeling sometimes, but by the time I clock out of work it's long gone.

There is a short cut that I take every morning, it passes right by a little coffee shop called Victoria's. Cute little place that hardly anyone goes too. They aren't open for buisness yet, but I like to smell the coffee coming up out of the open windows. Makes me feel good.

Every morning there is a woman standing outside the shop waiting for it to open. She's beautiful and very polite. Sweet young lady--there she is. Haha, I knew she'd be here. I usually stop and have a chat with her before I go to work. She brings a smile to my face, I don't know why. It's too bad she's married. Ha, I'd have made a move on her long ago if that weren't in the way.

My wife and I are in the middle of a divorce. I'm the one that requested it. She was way too uptight and controlling. Always complaining about how I work too much and never have time to "love on" her. We've only been working out the details of the divorce for month. I consider myself a free man now.

I smiled to myself as I walked up to her as usual. She looked my way and smiled at me. That glorious smile--it has a way of making a man's knees go weak. She took two steps towards me and gave me a warm hug. She smells so lovely--she always does.

~~Murderer's View~~

Ha, there he was. With that big goofy grin on his face. I wonder if he realizes how obvious he is. Isn't there a saying that goes a little like this "Women wear their hearts on their sleeve"? In this partcular case, it's men that wear their hearts on their sleeves. Especially this one. But I smiled and put on a good show for him, as usual. I took two steps and was close enough to hug him, so I did. I could feel him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer. He's strong in body, but definitely not mind. Men, they are so easy to toy with.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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